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It Shouldn't Hurt To Be A Child!

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     This page is new as of yet, and I will be building to it as time goes on. I will add what I have  so that everyone can start the fight against child abuse now. If you would like to add my link to your site, please use my banner located on the Links page and link it to - - Thank you.
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     I am a proud member of The Tear Drop Project.
                                           teardrop.bmp (7654 bytes)
     I adopted this tear drop in sympathy for all of the desperate and lonely tears shed by the children who, day after day and night after night, silently endure the pain inflicted on them by their heartless abusers.

     Some facts about child abuse:
Did You Know?
StarButton.gif (366 bytes)Every 13 seconds a child is abused in the United States.
StarButton.gif (366 bytes)15% of all abused children are sexual abuse victims.
StarButton.gif (366 bytes)The average sex offender has 117 victims.
StarButton.gif (366 bytes)95% of sexual abuse victims know their perpetrator.
StarButton.gif (366 bytes)95% of teenage prostitutes have been sexually abused.
StarButton.gif (366 bytes)Approximately 20% of all men have been sexually abused by the time they reach 18 years of age.
StarButton.gif (366 bytes)There are an estimated 60 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse in America today.
StarButton.gif (366 bytes)Most child sexual abuse victims do not tell.
StarButton.gif (366 bytes)In a middle school survey of Florida children last year, 100 percent of the students who anonymously reported they were sexually abused, also said they have never told anyone.

Child Physical Abuse Definition -
The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect defines child physical abuse as:
"The physical injury or maltreatment of a child under the age of eighteen by a person who is responsible for the child's welfare under circumstances which indicate that the child's health or welfare is harmed or threatened."
Examples of Physical Abuse include:
Beating with a belt, shoe, or other object.
Biting a child.
Breaking a child's arm, leg or other bones.
Burning a child with matches or cigarettes.
Hitting a child.
Kicking a child.
Not letting a child eat, drink, or use the bathroom.
Pulling a child's hair out.
Punching a child.
Scalding a child with water that is too hot.
Shaking, shoving or slapping a child.
The parent or caretaker need not have intended to hurt the child for it to constitute physical abuse.
NOTE: Every state has, in its child protection laws, a definition, often more specific than this general definition.

Definition of Child Abuse -
Child abuse is the blanket term for four types of child mistreatment. Physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. In many cases children are the victims of more than one type of abuse. The abusers can be parents or other family members, caretakers such as teachers and babysitters, acquaintances, and strangers.

     Below are causes I am a member of. Some of them are links. If you click on the banner's they will take you to the sites Home page. Thank you for your fight against child abuse.

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Silver Ribbon Campaign for Awareness and Support of Children with Disabilities
Participants promote awareness and support children with disabilities; campaign was started by members of Our-Kids Mailing List, an e-mail list for friends and family members of children with disabilities.

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