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Did You Think I'd Forget?
By: Jessica Gaudette
Copyright 1999

The kitchen faucet leaks
The clocks five minutes too fast
There's a hole in those black tights you bought
Just for me
Just for me to wear as you escort me
Dressed as a hooker
Across town
With a gun hoisted in your pants
To f**k your best friend
You watch
As he tears those ten dollar tights
Right off my nine year old body
As he forces me upon that old
Beat up bed
You listen, standing guard
As the springs creak
Holding that .22 to my temple
Commanding a better performance
As I lay bleeding
Beneath you best friends two hundred pounds
Did you think I'd forget  Daddy?
How collected money
Or crack for the torture I  endured?

The light bulbs blown once again
The wood stopped burning an hour ago
The lock you installed on my bedroom door
Is broken
You broke it last night
In your haste to claim my body
As yours...
I wouldn't let you in
So you took Nana's heavy antique chair
And hurled it through
Sending the bolts soaring...
See that bruise on my jawbone?
That's from the angry fist you threw
As I struggled from your grasp
You meant it for my mouth
But I turned away
Did you think I'd forget Daddy?
How you enjoyed raping me?
How you paid for the abortion
To keep it all a secret
When I was merely eleven?

There's a hole in the ceiling
A short in the circuit breaker
That mirror on the ceiling above my bed
The one you use
To force me to watch
Shattered this morning
When I threw my shoe at it.
Oh, but don't fret
The stereo works just fine
The music you play
As smoke your pipe
Sounds crystal clear
The VCR plays like new
Your home movies recorded perfectly...

Did you think I'd forget?


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