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"Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone, in a world that she can't rise above.
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved... Concrete Angel."
~Martina McBride (from the song "Concrete Angel")

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Hello and thank you for visiting this site. Throughout this site I hope to bring awareness of different types of abuse as well as information about each type (signs, symptoms, etc.). There is a full page of crisis hotline numbers for different types of needs (link below), please...if you are in need of assistance check out the hotline numbers, they are all toll free numbers and caring people are waiting on the other end to help. Make sure to visit the "Break The Silence - Share Your Story" page. It only has one story up on it so far but I am hoping more people will be able to share theirs as well. The goal is to bring as much awareness to the world as possible. From all different aspects of abuse that people have survived. It doesn't matter what your age, gender, or race. You can also share artwork or poetry with your story or without a story. It's up to you.
          If you have time; check out all the pages of this site. A lot of them have valuable information that you might be able to use. If you know of information that you can't find on my site then please email me at the link below, anything pertaining to abuse that is resourceful is welcome on my site. 
Take care of yourself, your family and your loved ones. Be careful reading some of these pages as they may contain information that is triggering to those who might be sensitive to the nature of this site. Thank you.

  Note: This site is still under construction. If any links are bad, or you have any requests that you wish to see put on the site, let me know

   Heart of Gold Award - Site ID# 1022

| Break The Silence - Share Your Story | Looking Into My Soul |
| Links | It Shouldn't Hurt To Be A Child! | Sexual Abuse | Abuses Defined | Ritual Abuse |
Enter Your Site For One Of My  Awards |
My Adoptions (More adoptions have been added. TRIGGER WARNING) | Song's About Abuse |
| Stop Child Pornography! |



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This site was last updated on July 25, 2008
This site Copyrighted ©2002-2008 The Dominion Conquest All Rights Reserved