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Mason's First Weeks
With Us!

Our little Sweet Pea!

Thinking... Me!

First family portrait

With Mom in the hospital. With Pooh Bear


Daddy does diapers! My first bath!

Getting ready to go out. Cuddles with Grandma.

Kickin' back on my blanky. First Christmas.

All comfy & cozy. Cowboy!

My bunny towel. Cutie pie.

GO Leafs GO!

Mom, Gerry, Lynn, Mason, Cameron & Nicole.

Mason's Photo Album

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Toddler Pages

Newborn 2 Months
3 Months 4 Months
Swimming 5 Months
6 Months Trip to BC
7 Months 8 Months
9 Months 10 months
11 months 12 months
Email Mason

Mason is a big brother! - click here
Liam's site