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10 Months Old!

The story behind the costume...

I bought the Frankenstein costume thinking it would be huge on him, and would definitely get used again next year... wrong! This photo was taken a month before Halloween and I could barely get the hood on! Poor guy, he's so patient with me and the camera! It was so small on him that he could barely sit up without falling over. The camera had to be adjusted high up to make the angle look right... he will remind me of this one day, I'm sure.

Mason's Photo Album

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Toddler Pages

Newborn 2 Months
3 Months 4 Months
Swimming 5 Months
6 Months Trip to BC
7 Months 8 Months
9 Months 10 months
11 months 12 months
Email Mason

Mason is a big brother! - click here
Liam's site