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7 Months Old!

Hangin' in his playpen

Mr. Innocent

...Caught in the act!

"Workin' the camera, work it, work it..."

"Who me?"

"Look, I'm tellin' ya, it wasn't me!"

It's Stampede time!

Grump & Grannie joined us for Okotoks Stampede Breakfast...

Grump, Grannie & Mason

Enjoying the feast

In line for the pony ride!

My first pony ride!

Getting a temporary tattoo (ouch!)

"Hit the bottle hard last night"

First driving lesson!

Hmmm, fresh, green, taaaasty...

Mom & Mason at home

Mason's Photo Album

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Toddler Pages

Newborn 2 Months
3 Months 4 Months
Swimming 5 Months
6 Months Trip to BC
7 Months 8 Months
9 Months 10 months
11 months 12 months
Email Mason

Mason is a big brother! - click here
Liam's site