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Amstrad CPC Multiface Cheats



BMX Freestyle                                            t
1456   00
1480   00
1481   00
1482   00
148F   00
Qualify On Each Event
Back To The Future 2                                  -
6594   00
Inf Time
7A4C   00
Inf Lives
Bad Cat (Go Crazy)                                    d
221D   0A
221E   09
Lots Of Time In Venue 1
21FF   FF
Time In Interlude
21FD   0A
21FE   09
Lots Of Time In Venue 2
2223   0A
2224   09
Lots Of Time In Venue 3
221A   0A
221B   09
Lots Of Time In Venue 4
Ball Crazy                                                    t
1C6F   A7
Inf Lives
Barbarian 2                                                  t
3D12   D6
3D13   10
3D96   3A
Mega Power
3E12   3A
Inf Energy
432F   A7
Inf Lives
Bart Simpson                                               d
15AC   FF
Inf Lives
3B0E   00
Basil Mouse Detective                                  t
90D0   C9
Inf Time
8E46   C9
Inf Energy
Batman The Movie                                       t
1D62   FF
Removes Grenades
EE06   C9
Inf Energy
6743   00
Inf Time
76EE   00
Inf Lives
Battle Of Britain                                           t
4030   00
Inf Fuel
Batty                                                            t
432B   FF
255 Lives
4515   00
Inf Lives Player 1
4523   00
Inf Lives Player 2
Bedlam (Go Crazy)                                     d
F1BE   09
9 Lives
Beyond Ice Palace                                      t
0D38   A7
0ED3   C9
CF32   00
E77F   00
FF34   C9
Inf Spirits And Invunrability
Bigfoot                                                        t
1016   A7
Inf Lives
0601   00
Lots Of Lives
Billy The Kid
81C9   00
Inf Ammo
92CA   10
One Shot
Bionic Commando                                       -
Lots Of Lives
Black Tiger                                                  d
5612   A7
Inf Lives
Blackbeard                                                  -
38DA   A3
Inf Lives
4C3E   00
Inf Bullets
Blade Warrior                                              t
031B   00
Inf Lives
625C   18
77A1   C9
Inf Time
Blasteroids                                                   -
2155   00
Bloodwych                                                  t
0523   A7
Inf Energy
9B73   A7
Inf Spell
Bobby Bearing                                             t
8243   00
Disables Baddies
Bomb Fusion                                                t
493A   00
Slows Timer
4A72   00
Inf Lives
4935   00
Inf Time
4A71   00
Inf Lives
Bombjack                                                    -
0090   00
Loads Of Lives
Bombjack 2                                                 -
02EB   00
Loads Of Lives
0649   00
Stops All Enemies
Booty                                                           t
54F4   00
Inf Lives
Boulderdash 4                                              t
05E9   FF
Extra Lives
6C3C   00
Inf Time
Boy Racer                                                    -
83E4   AF
Indestructable Player 1
83CA   AF
Indestructable Player 2
Brainache                                                     -
7310   00
Inf Lives
Breakthru                                                     -
BE38   00
255 Lives
Brian Bloodaxe                                             t
684B   C3
Inf Lives
Brian Jacks S/Star                                        t
198D   A7
Full Strength Part 1
1999   A7
Full Strength Part 2
Bronx Street Cop                                         t
0579   32
Extra Time
4FFA   A7
Inf Bullets
Bubble Bobble                                             t
6D26   A7
6D87   A7
Inf Lives Part 1
Bubble Bobble                                             d
6D24   A7
6D85   A7
Inf Lives Part 1
6C0F   A7
6C70   A7
Inf Lives Part 2
Bubble Dizzy                                                t
6E72   00
Inf Lives
Bubble Ghost                                               t
82A4   00
Inf Bubbles
Bubbler                                                        -
A74E   B7
Inf Lives
Buggy Boy                                                   -
1E7F   C9
Inf Time
Butcher Hill                                                  t
115D   A7
11FD   A7
Inf Lives
