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Amstrad CPC Multiface Cheats



LED Storm                                                  -
5ADB   00
Inf Energy
Laser Squad                                                d
4652   00
Inf Money
Last Duel                                                     d
147F   00
2BED   00
Inf Lives
Last Ninja 2                                                 t
5289   80
128 Lives
Licence To Kill                                            d
A6E5   A7
A4F4   00
A7EE   00
ABF0   00
9D7E   00
9A02   00
9F44   00
A47D   00
Inf Everything On All Levels
Licenec To Kill                                            t
CEFF   ??
?? = Number Of Lives
81AB   ??
?? = Number Of Lives
Light Corridor                                             -
3ACE   ??
?? = Number Of Balls
Light Force                                                  t
79DA   00
Inf Lives
Live And Let Die                                         t
5B67   00
7402   01
Inf Fuel
7495   00
Inf Missiles
7417   A7
Inf Fuel
Live And Let Die                                         d
7402   01
Inf Fuel
5B67   00
Living Daylights                                            t
2CED   00
Inf Energy
Loopz                                                         d
2A6F   A6
Inf Lives
Lopears                                                       t
2BA6   00
64k Inf Energy
2D4E   00
64k Inf Time
2BA4   00
128k Inf Energy
2D4C   00
128k Inf Time
Lord Of The Rings                                       t
417F   8F
Inf Health
41CC   B3
Inf Keys + Arrows
Lords Of Chaos                                           t
96DE   00
96DF   00
96EA   00
96EB   00
Inf Experience
Lost Caves                                                  t
1038   ??
?? = Level Number
