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Amstrad CPC Multiface Cheats



P47 Thunderbolt                                          t
27DC   00
Inf Lives
Pacland                                                       d
2C78   FD
253 Lives
Paladin                                                        -
97C2   00
Inf Lives
9750   00
Inf Time
Palitron                                                        t
2427   00
Inf Lives
Paperboy                                                    t
05AC   00
Inf Lives
Parabola                                                     t
8514   00
Inf Lives
Paws                                                          -
293F   00
Inf Stamina
Periscope Up                                              t
1DDB   00
Inf Lives
1F5C   00
Inf Scouts
1156   00
Inf Fuel
1181   00
Inf Air
Peter Pack Rat                                            -
8702   3A
Inf Time
8EDF   00
Stops Flys
Pick 'n' Pile+                                               -
039F   FF
255 Lives
Pipemania                                                   t
263B   00
Stops Timer
Plasmatron                                                  t
0352   FF
Inf Damage
Popeye 2                                                    t
1767   00
Inf Bonus
Powerdrift                                                  d
2A82   FF
255 Lives
Powerdrift                                                   t
2AA1   FF
255 Lives
Predator                                                     d
97F1   FE
254 Lives
C7C6   39
C7C7   39
Timer 99 Mins
C7C9   39
C7CA   39
Timer 99 Secs
97F3   FE
Lots Of Ammo
Lots Of Grenades
Prince Of Persia                                          t
935A   00
235A   00
Inf Lives
Prison Riot                                                   t
A11B   00
Inf Time (Main)
A13C   00
Inf Time (Sub)
Pro Boxing Simulator                                   t
1521   ??
?? = Number Of Lives Player 1
1522   ??
?? = Number Of Lives Player 2
Pro Powerboat Simulator                            t
883C   ??
?? = Number Of Lives Player 1
8841   ??
?? = Number Of Mines Player 1
882C   ??
?? = Number Of Lives Player 2
8831   ??
?? = Number Of Mines Player 2
Prohibition                                                   t
09EC   FF
255 Lives
0FB1   B7
Inf Hide Time
0B69   B7
Inf Lives
198E   00
No Shooting Back
Project Future                                              t
9564  FF
9B9D   FF
255 Lives
Psycho Pigs UXB                                        -
2418   7F
128 Lives
Psycho Hopper                                            t
0303   00
Inf Lives
2146   04
Extra Time
Pulsator                                                        t
5395   00
5396   00
Inf Lives
Puzznic                                                        d
3BC0   FF
599C   00
599D   00
Stops Clock & Lots Of Retries
