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Wv9,CHUCKIE.BIN N# >Wv,! >#× (8HXhxL0|0 >f   ;( _0 ( .jZ?nBBBB~BBB8l^~|8*U<4< `<<=|p`pp?x߼o|v9p`pp?qx߸?p===>?nW7?_pw?????8DDD8} `U"T$HDDH$"" 2Q108DDD8} `U"T$HDDH$""2ґ2ґQ10 2{> 2{>((DE"08 @L|X @L|"D<<<<~~~~~<<$$& `<<<<~~~~~<<$$d80(xx|??0x|~?? #>Ch >~/(h`` ` p` @` ` ``` @@`ϐ```p`몸몸ډۿ؏G__GwwGHKګکګ@|??~||8|8~|??`<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<``<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|?`88||||88`k_????~||8||<~<|?? p -NʊT           `'Xv;,CHUCKIE.BIN(N# 3X0                                                                                                                                         ~                                      ù͌ÑÑmHtU-ã÷JY>Ǔo&))o|g)gz?o>gzW!o>g~???G#N#N#F! !fo|g^ ( "*B(;N#!0~wB(;Û##|0ó7R x[4v>_o&))}o|g))y;>2<!>F#H2< !?6>(͹:{G"W>)͹:{G>*͹:{͹>+$͹:]{,N͹f:f{Y:g{Y:h{YY>-~͹:{?8>!D 2{Y2{Y2{Y!zx=oN####"W~#Yy8>G>.͹zWA͹zW -ӏ;!:{o|g^#V~2{#~2{#~2{#~2{#~2{#:{G^#V#~#ͷ:{GV#^#~#͑~#w~#w<8!{o|gz0 {0~>w!}o|g)))))}o!||>wV^~>sY=,CHUCKIE.BIN0N# bXv'8zW͹V^~͹V^ >[~4KF{[H{*J{*L{vCF{SH{"J{"L{v:{ >2{m8>2{:{(2>͑~w~w666:{G<8!N{66666:{('>2 {:{W>2 {_>͹:{W>B2 {_>͹2! !6{6<666666 66 V^ >[~4CF{SH{"J{"L{vJ:{G"G:\{ '' W>.͹>,(>,( >B(>2V{͑(m:W{͸:X{͸:Y{͸:Z{͸:[{͸z2V{(zW#!6{:V{000 0 pqV^fQn ~  ړEÎ:V{y(-| (y-ͣ(7ͣ( 66Æ6|OUͣ 6x8 6 6 }6 6 ʔ06~"w ":V{x(#} ͣ(66ʔ66y()} %yͣ 6ͣ +66 "6 6xw (w F ~ ??8>DO4 (&Mͣ ͣ(~8 6 Г| R~(Lͣ }8ͣ(/6}< <ͣ(ͣ(6}< Owyͣ( 6}Dw":V{:{0 0 6 6 66x(w ʔ06"xה7?~(B|0y(~0-|8y(}8  ͣ( yӔͣ 7FNV^fn xGyO|B5J4g}U5]4opqtu ~ ({>O| >O|>O}?O('G~ { æz xNwڕ0PVoûFÐ\yÅ:]{O2{y???G2{( y2R{x8y2 {>2{2{2{2{>v2{2{2{2{:{G>"2{!f{g{/w> 2i{:]{< 8> 2f{]]!zo\{::{(E! {: {(#~0w_:{W>6ڋò_>w:{W>ڋ:{W>ڋ: {2 {:{<2{Z:{G:{=ږ: {2{8V^fn|ʮ҄O(yO(yO(yOL i`}0OL i`A\OL i}(I( x(2&tî &} O(!v{y????o5|0i}?8,?8:?8~w|( ~w|( ~|Zv>,CHUCKIE.BIN8N# jY&w|( ~w|(|wwrsu|'g(>O}y O|y wtu>90<!N{~OfnV^~ɘ!6{|ݾ0 zÚz~8 {õ{} 0{D_|8zDW|g}oturs~wzf:{(=2{!{̓5 6 ̓=+̓5#6 ̓=+̓586 ̓:{(!f{~##p̓5[6 p̓+k̓5o6 k̓+f̓5f̓~ڋ!6{V^~ 8O  .!i{5!j{y????o5:]{?? 8> >!v{y????o5>>2{ɯ݋ɯ݋!e{A+= 8 w=y :{<2{ >y0:{AW~ڋ!{:{H8''+++~~#Z } 8!`"͵Nlԕ  Get ready Player :{1ZͶ.˕ĭ8{K:i{•ŕ:{G:V{(3ƛ8Aו!f{~##(~( d͙>ΕȕK:]{<2]{͹:{ͿؚĢ:\{=2\{:{Ϳ @ԕ  GAME OVER Player :{1Z:{=2{ʚ:{G:{<2{0ͼ:\{(à!6{~8U0Q!{~##(I:6{W:7{_:{(Gx=~ 0 ~ 8:R{(:N{ 0 :O{ 87?7ԕ  Out of Time !&:{ȯ2{:\{<2\{!W{>2>2{8y !>!ͼ'GE/A'n'F ԕ How many players? O10yZ02{2{2>>2\{2]{!^{w#͹>Ϳ>Ϳ>Ϳ>Ϳ2{s{N2{|`ʝX|?ʝX-><w>%( ;{{-{{>/Ý>0Ý>1 Ý>//Ý>2>Ý>3MÝ>4\Ý>4rÝ>5Ý>5ÝڋԕPress S to start K Yto change keys>2{2{:{<2{Gѕ:{2]{Ͷ2V{•ŕXԕK E Y S ͂:Z{͓:Y{ͤ:X{͵:W{ƞ:[{מԕ Up .. ԕ Down .. ԕ Left .. ԕ Right .. ԕ Jump .. ԕ  Hold .. 'H' Ab#ort .. Escape +'H'!6(8G># #x#~Z*>']]>']F(9)F(6)F(3)F(enter)F(.) COPY F(7) F(8) F(5) F(1)F(2)F(0)CLRENTERF(4)SHIFTCTRL/SPACEDTABFCAPS LOCKODEL|>!W{w#ԕKEY SELECTION Press keyZv<,CHUCKIE.BINN@N# Yv0  for.. >% ͂62Z{͓62Y{ͤ62X{͵62W{ƞ62[{מXz zP8z,(B(!W{(#ԕHIGH SCORES>c>޻> o&)x< 1yZx1: >0Z> Z!yxo ~ y00Z#> Z~#Zx ڃcɁ!yyo^{~#8  y 8!yy> ( O#^{"{> w#!^һۻԕ`ԕENTER YOUR NAMEPlayer :{1Z>c>޻A> o&)`>>Z*{ (7(Gy0xw #Zy( +> w> Z!ûcd8*{#>`2{!&[{Doug !6{~N :{~ Ù Ù #y 8xi&)))Ùi&)))RÙ i&)))Ù~S!ͪɃ2!ͪɄ!^#V#~#S::S22 !ͪ0!ͪ0 ~8 ~  S <S~[v;,BANKMAN.BASpZv.PD Bank Manager*(c)1995 Richard Fairhurst, Robot PD d n"!BANKMAN.BIN", x    , ,@ "PD Bank Manager 1995 Robot PD" "This program provides many, although not}all, of the functions of the 6128 Bank Manager program, which allows you to access 128k machines' extra memory."* "There are two main differences:"" This version is PD.")" It is fully 464/664-compatible." "It allows 46M4/664 users to use programs such as I-Spell and Crossword Compiler. PD librarians are encouraged to copy this onto their discs, as long as Robot PD is given due credit."6 "Press any key for command instructions."  ,"" "|ޤBANKOPEN,record length"B "Clears extra memory for strings of the specified length."  ,""*" "|BANKREAD,@result%,@a$ [,recnum%]",6 "Reads a string from record number recnum(or the next record, if unspecified) into. a$. a$ must be a string currently of the maximum record length, and resultan integer variable - which will be -1 if an error occurred."@  ,""+J "|BANKWRITE,@result%,@a$ [,recnum%]"T^ "Writes a$ into record number recnum (or qthe next record, if unspecified). resultmust be an integer variable, in which -1will be returned if an error occurred."h  ,"".r "|BANKFIND,@result%,@a$,start% [,end%]"| "Searches through records, starting from start% and endinPg at end% if specified, for the string a$. If found, the record number is returned in result: otherwise,-1 is returned."0 "All code by Richard Fairhurst, 1994-95."&9Zv=,BANKMAN.BIN@n[. !  Ѽ=_úBANKOPEBANKREABANKWRITBANKFIN~2ӡ_!0( Cԡ!"͈֡E:ӡGȡͬyQ͠ yQ>  (*֡ nf###"֡[ԡR7nfN#^#V͈E:ӡGȡͬxQá xQ> á n#=f#*ԡ"ء͈'{Eͬ:ӡ0OyE:ӡȡA(f #"֡X[ءR(#Enf6#6[֡[֡nfs#rG|O|?@gxII|O|?@gI~Ḯ#G|O|?@gxIwIͥ#T]!=!\v>,ASSEMBLY.SRCT8fZv5 ;Amstrad Action issue 116 ;Assembly Line org &8000 nolist ;*** INIT Game initialisation ld a,1: call &BC0E ;Screen mode 1 di T ;Disable interrupts ld hl,(&38): ld (st38),hl ;Store current contents of &38 ld hl,&C9FB: ld (&38 ),hl ;Poke EI, RET into &38 ei ;...and enable interrupts ld a,32: ld (btcol),a ;Current bat position ld hl,&C750: ld (btaddr),hl ; | ld a,-1: ld (score),a ;Reset score to -1 ;*** SECT Initialise position of ball .retry 6call random ;Get a random number cp 2 : jr c ,retry ;If less than 2, get another one cp 75 : jr nc,retry ;...or if greater than 2 and 254 '[ ;Make it an even number ld (blcol),a ;Set the column to that ld hl,&C000: ld e,a: ld d,0 ;Calculate its screen address add hl,de: ld (bladdr),hl ; | ld a,0T: ld (blrow),a ;Ball currently at top of screen ld a,(score): inc a: ld (score),a ;Increase score by 1 ;*** SECT Frame flyback loop .ff ld b,&F5 ;Wait for frame flybgack .ffloop in a,(c): rra: jr nc,ffloop ; | call keysc ;Scan keys ld a,(keybuf+0): cp &FD: call z,right ;Are we moving right? ld a,(keybuf+1): cp &FE: call z,left ;Are we moving left? call ball call bat ld a,(blrow) ;Ball at the bottom of screen? cp 46: jr nz,ff ; | if not yet, loop ;*** SECT Ball has landed... ld aa\v A,ASSEMBLY.SRCTF[v3,(blcol): ld c,a ;C is the ball column ld a,(btcol) ;A is the bat column inc a: inc a: cp c: jp z,retry ;If the same, play again! inc a: inc a: cp c: jp z,retry ; | inc a: inc a: cp c: jp z,retry ; | ;*** SECT Exit game di ;Restore interrupts ld hl,(st38): ld (&38),hl ; | ei > ; | ld a,(score): call pr_a ;Print score ld a,10: call &BB5A ;Next line down... ld a,13: call &BB5A ;and carriage return ret ;*** SUBR 6 Move bat left .left ld a,(btcol): cp 0: ret z ;Refuse if on the left already! dec a: dec a: ld (btcol),a ;Else decrement column ld hl,(btaddr): dec hl: dec hl ;Decrement screen address ld (btaddr),hl: ret ;...and return! ;*** SUBR Move bat right .right ld a,(btcol): cp 70: ret z ;Refuse if on the right already inc a: inc a: ld (btcol),a ;Else increment column  ld hl,(btaddr): inc hl: inc hl ;Increment screen address ld (btaddr),hl: ret ;...and return! ;*** SUBR Print falling "ball" .ball ld a ,(blrow ): inc a: ld (blrow),a ;Increase row count ld hl,(bladdr): ld de,&FF00 ;Get row address ld (hl),e: inc hl: ld (hl),e: dec hl: call nline ;Wipe out previous ball ld (hl),e: inc hl: ld (hl),e: dec hl: call nline ; | ld (hl),e: inc 7ghl: ld (hl),e: dec hl: call nline ; | ld (hl),e: inc hl: ld (hl),e: dec hl: call nline ; | ld (bladdr),hl ;Store next ball address ld (hl),d: inc hl: ld (hl),d: dec hl: call nline ;Print ball f[@,ASSEMBLY.SRCTM\v3 ld (hl),d: inc hl: ld (hl),d: dec hl: call nline ; | ld (hl),d: inc hl: ld (hl),d: dec hl: call nline ; | ld (hl),d: inc hl: ld (hl),d: dec hl: call nline ; | ld (hl),d: inc hl: ld (hl),d: dec hl: call nline ; | ldH (hl),d: inc hl: ld (hl),d: dec hl: call nline ; | ld (hl),d: inc hl: ld (hl),d: dec hl: call nline ; | ld (hl),d: inc hl: ld (hl),d: ret ; | ;*** SUBR Print bat .bat ld hl,(btaddr): ld de,&F000: ldŬ b,8 ;8 rows high .batlp push bc: push hl ;Draw the bat ld (hl),e: inc hl: ld (hl),e: inc hl ; | ld (hl),d: inc hl: ld (hl),d: inc hl ; | ld (hl),d: inc hl: Cld (hl),d: inc hl ; | ld (hl),d: inc hl: ld (hl),d: inc hl ; | ld (hl),e: inc hl: ld (hl),e ; | pop hl: call nline: pop bc ; | djnz batlp 9 ;Loop for all rows ret ;...and return ;*** SUBR Calculate next screen line .nline ld bc,&0800: add hl,bc: ret nc ld bc,&C050: add hl,bc: ret yD ;*** SUBR Random number generator .random ccf ld a,(seeds+5): ld c,a ld a,(seeds+4): ld b,a ld a,(seeds+1): adc b: adc c ld (seeds+0),a ld hl,seeds+4: ld b,5 .rnd_lp ld a,(hl): inc hl ld LH(hl),a: dec hl: dec hl djnz rnd_lp ret ;*** SUBR Print A as 3-digit decimal .pr_a ld d,100: call ps_chr ld d,10 : call ps_chr ld d,1 .ps_chr ld c,0 .ps_lop sub d: jr c,ps_fin inc c: jDr ps_lop .ps_fin add d push af ld a,c: add 48: call &BB5A pop af: ret ;*** SUBR Scan keyboard ; Thanks to Rob Scott for original version ; Don't worry about hJ\v>,ASSEMBLY.SRCT\v4ow this routine works - ; just accept that it does! .keysc ld hl,keybuf ;address of buffer for keyboard block data ld bc,&F40E: out (c),c ;put 14 on PPI port A ld b,&F6 : in a,(c) ;get current st*atus of port C and &30 ;preserve status of cassette ld c,a ;and place value in C register or &C0 : out (c),a ;write register out (c),c ;and quickly restore old status (NB 10ns) inc b ld a,&92 : out (c),a ;control word - port A input, port B input push bc ;preserve old status of port C set 6,c ;BC1 set (read register) .kloop ld b,&F6 : out (c),cG ;send "read register contents" signal to port C ld b,&F4 : in a,(c) ;get the contents off port A ld (hl),a ;put in buffer inc hl : inc c ;go to next key block ld a,c : and 15 cp{ 10 : jr nz,kloop;last key block been reached yet? pop bc ;get old status of port C ld a,&82 : out (c),a ;restore control port dec b : out (c),c ;restore port C ret ;*** VARI w General variables .keybuf ds 10 ;Keyboard buffer .seeds db 72,19,163,220,46,120 ;Random number seeds .st38 dw 0 ;Original &38 contents .6bladdr dw 0 ;Screen address of ball .blrow db 0 ;Row the ball is on .blcol db 0 ;Column the ball is on .btaddr dw &C730 Q ;Screen address of bat .btcol db 0 ;Column the ball is on .score db 0 ;Score HZv>,COLUMBIA.BINp$pBZv)!} $@!μ!@I6I6@I~2>2>2> 2>281ͷ!o!o!o!o!$o((( ( ((=y( y( y̘%OÍ>@2]{ʜ2!ͪ!s"q!"!"!"!`!tw͆^"W!Tʁza {r(ze {x(zm {cʐeʐ .͜!ͯ!uͯ!u!ͯ!u*͐!u*͐!u*͐! uM͜!ͯ!u!ͯ!u!}ͯ! u!Vͯ! u!ͯ! u!ͯ!u*nf͐!ͯnf͐!ͯnf͐!u!~į!~̯!~̯!–~ԯz:=2͜͜!Kͯ!ͯ> Z> ZZ!ͯ!eͯ{ezxzWx!!uT>@Ϳ{ʜ2Л!͜!ҕͯ!nͯͪ͞!tw͆`"!"!`!u!ͯ!!!uza {r(Azm {c(Fzm {e(Lze {x(!ͯ2>2|=!.ͯ2|.!ͯ2|!>ͯ>2i!>ͯ2i!qt͌͆^!s"q!Ɉ"!"!"!4`"1!͏:0z:=2͜!zͯ2v:*"*"*":2!` !`"!u*͐!s Ò>@Ϳ{ʜ22!͜!ҕͯ: (!~6 ͪ͒1!Ɉ"!`"ͪ͞ʼnͪ|!qt͌͆`!tw1͆`"SnCf"2!u*|(͐!ͯ!u:=Յ= =ʌtz͆^: : t͏͆^:=2“͜: Յ!>͕ͯ!u0!z"q!"!"!"!`:(mcme!> F!͕ͯ!u0!z"q!Ɉ"!"!"!"!`"!`!ar> F!.͕ͯF[!z([z(66#6#6#66[S!1"#"̢!z"q!"!"!"!"!`:@ʕ!"!ex> z!tw͆Ӈʡ!` !`"!"!"!Ɉ"*"!`!ex> !~Ɉ# x F!"!"!@"!ex> ӇʡI!@ I!~͐# x :(I!@>@͘ I[˲z>!@ĘIF**| n@fA| !u!ͯ!!u͐"""7*"*R""[ [v>,COLUMBIA.BINp $p}\1">2*|/g}Doʡ6T]*ut*ututu@tA*ut:w6!s#C!T^#u#tu772*+"|(7>K*|(!@ CIw#"*#"}I*#"*w#|(!`> ͘!`"}!u*$"͐*`R!`>Ø}I|` *6@6A 6B!@̓!@~#p!u*$"͐t!ʖͯͦ͆͜}͒:O:qʼn! s!u!qͯ!u!ï!~#w##~#w#!s 6 #!{6.͒!s>g.u͊͸͊B (u.(c (_8%8&&("+(-('(08:8@8[8(Gy x(wZ #y(y܉>Z+ ~.( (6 >Z܉y܉ ܉ #y܉!'f!'f>͐!ͯ>͐Ͱȋۋ!`,,("(*(2(Aʦ ʦʦ ʦ]4y( y( Py(!(#(,(BZy(((&(<V!!q>wͰS*%"ȋF*$"ȋ9*%"ۋ,*$"ۋ!~(=w!~(͐2>-Z͐:! ʯ!=ʯ!+=ʯ!;ï!Kͯæ!nf^#VnfnfNo {3>͡͡͡!0P=~͡͡áp# £ ҵP !@_(q#q+>gq#q#gq+q#>gq+q+gvi&)))>w#w#w#w#w#w#w#w<>w#######>"w< >w#w#w#w#w#w#w#w<Pp0pppppp0pp0pp0p0p0p0000000000000000000000p0p0pp0p01ppp0000000000ppppppppppppppppp000000000000000000000p0v_[v=,COLUMBIA.BINp$p\v4pp0p0p0pPPPPP͠ݠ@@@ΐΐ@@@@Šݠݠՠՠՠՠՠՠՠݠ@@@@Ɛ֐ΐ֐ΐ@@@@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@Ɛΐ֐ސƐސ֐֐ΐΐƐ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ƐƐΐΐ֐֐ސFPЍJ,DZ>8@2,ʏ&          33 3          3 f f̀ ̀  ݉ w w 3  0  H     < ,2S i  p w  33 ff 3f ff ffff 3f f f33  w Source driveDestination driveMemory limitBuffer locationFiletypescreen automatic archive executable multi-recordColumbia v1.1 1995 CRTC of Discoverya Robot PD programall rights reserved uses improved LZW compression algorithmsSource file : DestinatiBon file: Compressing to : Original length : Bytes read in : Bytes written :Directory of file   fromnot compressedunrecognised---- protected BASICbinaryASCIIunknown Disc error: operations abortedFilename : Compression type : Filetype : Original start : Original length : Original exec : Compressed start : Compressed length: Compressed exec : [?,COLUMBIA.BINp$p[v:A: . 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NoO_ CampurSoft%DES Tape Archiver v1.0"Programmed by Michael Beckett'  CampurSoft 1994%Archiving disc in drive  to tape%De-archiving tape to disc in drive  Insert a blank tape in the tape deck  and press REC and PLAY Insert the data tape in the tape deck  and press PLAY Select drive to de-archive to: Select drive to archive to tape: Select drive to verify: Archive aborted: backup is incomplete. DES cannot format a disc to PCW format. Exit tape archiver and return to DES?>ContinueE Abort \v=,CAMERA.;h;h]v3 DES APPLICATION:`!/~?2b!P>0& .<9!>a&5.Pb K&.D Q&#.Z 9-gƒ!6a̒:b<&.D N&%.]$!bici( (( `Ғ!b6!b6!/6:b('!b!b~(# >!/w#s#rϒ&$.\ c 3>í>{%]!buy(́3o`"=:<& DES Camera Utility v1.0/ Michael Beckett 1994 78_DDisable cameraPEnable camera d8_]Screen file name:rWhen the camera is enabled, CTRL & COPY saves thezthe current screen to disc. The screens are savedusing the above filename, + number + .SCRNote: the camera will not work during a Retry/Canceldisc error message. 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