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Volume 8 Chapter 67 - Day 3 of the Go Pro Exam's Preliminaries

[xxxx] = my comments to the reader

p. 138
First Panel: Mama and Hikaru's grandfather in a room
Mama: I don't quite understand what's a professional Go player...
Grandpa: This is really too... too sudden!
Grandpa: I just heard that Hikaru became an insei, and I was very surprised!
Mama: Grandpa, you already haven't seen Hikaru in awhile. Next year, you're going to travel out of country again.
[Mama actually uses the word "gong gong" in Chinese]
p. 139
Grandpa: Didn't you tell me he joined a Go class?
Mama: Ah! But... but I really didn't think he would want to become a professional Go player.
Grandpa: Could it be that he didn't mention entering the Go Exam earlier? Do you need to pay to register?
Mama: I heard that it's free for an insei, and he doesn't need to apply or go through the procedures. All the insei have to participate.
Grandpa: I see...
Mama looks worried
Mama: Recently he said he had to enter this Lion's Tournament or something. He wanted me to ask the teacher for a leave of absence.
Mama: At that time I started thinking that he was too into it...
Mama: Really! How can that kid decide on his own? It's my fault that I didn't pay attention to him lately!
Grandpa laughs
Grandpa: Every child will have to pass through this stage. And they have to learn how to decide for themselves!
Grandpa: Right now, Hikaru's Go playing must have improved a lot. I really want to play Go against him!
p. 140 - 141
Mama: Grandpa, do you know what's a Pro Go player?
Grandpa: This... I'm also not too sure... Even though I really like Go, I only know 5 - 6 relatively famous Go figures.
[It's not that weird that Mama doesn't know about this, cause my aunt doesn't.]
Grandpa: Did Zheng Fu [Akari?] say anything?
Mama: He also doesn't understand the World of Go. He only said to wait till after a bit of research.
[I know Akari is a girl, but Mama uses the male form of "ta." The Chinese translator has used the female form, so I'm not sure who the kanji is indicating. I'm only guessing Akari, because I don't know who else they would know.]
Mama: He also said that Hikaru doesn't have a chance of passing the Exam, because it isn't an easy task to become a professional Go player.
Mama: So, for now, I'll let Hikaru do whatever makes him happy...
Grandpa: Ha ha! I also think so. As long as he's not too obsessed, then it's alright.
Mama looks up. She looks like she's thinking of something
Mama: I think Hikaru has changed. There's something different. I have a bad feeling.
Wind Chimes
Grandpa: Why does Hikaru want to be a professional Go player?
Mama: He says he lost really badly against a kid his age in Go, and he was looked down upon by his opponent.
Panel of Hikaru eating
Mama: ... He showed a very disappointed face.
Hikaru: It won't be too long till I become a Pro.
Hikaru: I have to change his opinion of me!
Panel of Touya behind a Go board
Hikaru: The eyes that he played against me the first time... I will make him use those intent eyes again... that looked straight through... me!
p. 142 - 143
The words "Day 3 of the Pro Exam's Preliminaries" is printed on the right hand corner
Hikaru and Fuku are playing their match
Administrator: It's time to eat. Everyone please stop now.
The administrator walks over to Hikaru and Fuku's game
Administrator: It has already reached the end game... Do you want to play until the game finishes?
Hikaru and Fuku: Yes.
Administrator: Okay!
Sai: Fortunately, he's playing against someone he knows this time. Hikaru has recovered his usual level of play.
p. 144 - 145
Administrator: Hikaru lost two days in a row. Originally I was still a little worried, but today he doesn't look too bad.
Hikaru has 59 moku while Fuku has 50.
Hikaru thinks: I won ~~~~~~~~~~
Hikaru: I finally won one round. Thanks for the game.
Fuku: ... thank you for the game...
Sai: Hoh hoh hoh hoh ...
Fuku: One win? Hikaru did you lose two in a row?
Hikaru: You didn't know? If I lost this match, I wouldn't be able to compete again!
Sai: Ah.........
Hikaru: Talking about this... Fuku is in the same position as I. One win and two losses.
Hikaru: Sorry, I have to go home, immediately. I don't want to see that bearded man.
Fuku: Were you late coming this morning because of him?
p. 146 - 147
Fuku: Are you going to have to arrive late again tomorrow?
Fuku: Tomorrow morning we have to choose the pairings! [Fuku is literally saying that they have to do a drawing to set the opponents for the next match]
Hikaru: I know.
Hikaru: The competition dictates that the winner has to write the results with the seal.
Hikaru: If you a lose, then you have to stamp with the black seal, which represents the loser. That must be bad feeling.
Hikaru: Fuku... Fuku...
Hikaru: I'm the white seal!
Hikaru: Stamp once more!
Hikaru: Heh heh!
Hikaru: Tomorrow I have to use the white seal!
Sai: Hikaru, he... tomorrow, he definitely can't lose!
p. 148 - 149
There's a bunch of panels that show Waya and Isumi playing against some old guys
Middle-aged man with cigarette: I... I admit my lost...
p. 150 - 151
Old guy with glasses: Shen Gon Zhi has lost. [the guy is talking about the middle-aged man with a cigarette. His name translates word for word to God Palace Shrine]
Shen Gon Zhi: You... you can't be a Pro, can you?
Isumi: No! I'm an insei. By chance I came to the Go Salon to sharpen my Go skills.
Shen Gon Zhi: I have a friend. He's a Pro. Often, we drink spirits and play Go together. [tch my father's a bartender and he says spirits is a common term for alcohol]
Shen Gon Zhi: That Pro told me
A man, covered with a shadow, is holding up a glass cup
Mystery man: Shen Gon Zhi, if the Pro test didn't require you to be under 30 years old, you'd already have passed. Too bad.
Shen Gon Zhi: I guess he was only being polite.
Shen Gon Zhi: Sorry, I couldn't teach you anything.
Isumi: No! I'm very thankful.
Waya is talking to his opponent
Waya: If you had placed it over here, I'd be in trouble.
Some guy: I see...
Isumi: Waya, are you also finished? Let's go!
Waya: Mm!
Shen Gon Zhi: Wait a second!
Shen Gon Zhi: I'll introduce you to another Go Salon. Here's a map.
p. 152 - 153
Shen Gon Zhi: You can find more advanced players there!
Waya: Thanks.
Waya: Even though we can go to the Go Salon to sharpen our skills, the smoke is heavy there. [the chines manga printed the characters "ke yi" which means can. it would say can the heavy smoke, making no sense. I think it's a misprint. The characters should actually be "ke shi," which means "but." But the smoke is heavy there]
Isumi: Waya, do you want to play at my house?
Waya: Let's go check the Insei Institute first!
Isumi: Insei Institute? Ah! Lately, they've been holding the preliminaries to the Pro Exam.
Waya: Today is the third day!
Waya: Let's go see if that kid Hikaru has won three games!
Day Four of the Preliminaries
Hikaru: Eh? Waya and Isumi came yesterday?
Nase: During the evening, they came to see the tournament schedules.
Nase: I told them that Hikaru and Fuku's game will be over in the afternoon.
p. 154 - 155
Nase: And Waya said: These twos' match is still very fast!
Hikaru: To Fuku and me, this length of time is already very long.
Nase: People who have either won 3 times or lost 3 times don't need to come anymore...
Hikaru: People who came are all ones who either have 2 wins and 1 loss or one win and 2 losses.
Nase: Afterwards Waya yelled: Hikaru, what is that idiot doing!
Nase: It's not only you, I also have two losses. Fuku also has two losses. This situation is really dangerous.
Fuku: Morning.
Nase: Morning.
Nase thinks: Imashimi won 3 games.
Hikaru: Ah! Right! What about Tsubaki(?)?
Nase: The bearded guy has already advanced with three wins.
Hikaru: Oh! Lucky!
p. 156 - 157
Nase: He's waiting for us at the official Exam!
Hikaru: I know!
A couple administrators walk in
Admin: Right now we'll begin the decisions for the group pairings.
Admin: Once I call your name, please come to the front and draw a paper.
Admin: If you choose a person that you have already played against, please tell us.
Admin: And then choose a new one.
Sai: If the players both have two losses and have to compete against each other, then one of them must be erased...
Admin: Then...

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