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Jewish Graves in the Cemetery at Barkly East

When we visited Barkly East, in South Africa, in August 2003 we visited the small museum there. We met the curator who very kindly provided me with a list of the Jewish graves in the cemetery. The Jewish cemetery is within Barkly East's 'white' Christian cemetery on the edge of the town on the road leading to Moshesh's Ford and Rhodes, two places at which Seligmann's had branch stores. The Jewish section is small and separated from the rest of the cemetery by a metal fence. The whole place (both Christian and Jewish sections) is subject to theft (of marble and other fine stone, which can be used in building works) and I suspect that in a few years time most of the graves will be unrecognizable. The curator's list gives 11 graves: last years only 6 of these were identifiable - the rest were damaged too much to be recognised.

The list of graves is as follows:

(b= born, d= died)

Isaac ROSENBERG: d. London, d. 26 Apr 1956, aged 59 yrs.

[Dr. Isaac Rosenberg, born in Barkly East, was a highly respected and much loved medical doctor (he qualified in London) in Barkly East. He died in London.His obituary reports that over 100 cars brought people to his funeral.]

Emil SELIGMAN: b. 3 June 1877, d. 25 Aug. 1897 For SELIGMANN TREE CLICK HERE

[Emil Seligman(n) was born in Ichenhausen in Bavaria, and ran the branch of Seligmann's in Rhodes. He was a cousin of Iwan Bloch]

Bluma Chaia ROSENBERG: d. 30 Jul 1921, aged 52 yrs. (wife of Morris Rosenberg)

[Mother of Isaac]

Lathan LEVENSON: d. 12 Jan 1927, aged 32 yrs.



Jack VALLENTINE : died 7 Mar 1897, aged 32 yrs. (son of Phillip)

[Jack Vallentine, from London, worked with Sigmund Seligmann. His brother Moss Vallentine was a partner with Seligmann in a business in Dordrecht, south of Barkly East. Jack was married to Helene Perlmutter, sister of Erna Perlmutter who was married to Sigmund Seligmann. Jack's untimely death was caused by tetanus, contracted as a result of falling from a carriage.]


Hannah WOOLFE: d. 10 Feb 1894 (Wife of Manassah Woolfe)

[There was a Louis Woolfe in Barkly East who worked for Seligmann's. In the 1930s he moved to Johannesburg.]

N. JOFFEE: d. 7 Oct 1917, aged 11 mos.

J. JOFFEE: d. 7 Oct 1917, aged 11 mos.

[There was a Joffe family in Barkly East during the 1920s]

VAN DER HORST: d. 5 Sep 1932, stillborn.

[The Van Der Horst family were Jewish, and came from Holland. Solly Van Der Horst worked for Seligmann's, and later became a merchant (of cigars, possibly) in Durban]

S. EDELSTEIN: d. 17 Sep 1944

[The Edelstein's owned a department store in Barkly East. The other two such stores were Seligmann's and Mukheibir's. The latter is still in business.]

Oscar LEVY: died 27 Sep 1934, aged 32 yrs.

[Oscar, son of Judah Levy of Melsungen in Hesse in Germany, came out to work in Seligmann's, invited by Iwan Bloch. He was highly educated. He married Iwan's widow, Ilse née Ginsberg, but died soon after. For GINSBERG FAMILY TREE CLICK HERE]


IF anyone can supply more information, or wishes to have more detail please contact me on:

a d a m a n d l o p a @ y a h o o . c o . u k