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Once upon a time, there was a tree in the bud's forest.

This tree had no leaf, the buds called it "The weird tree".


One day, bud and bear had an idea.

"Let's play hide and seek!" said the bud.

"Oh , yes! I wanna play it for a long time!" bear replied.

Then they started to play the game, bud was the seeker while bear was the hider.


After an hour, bud still couldn't find bear, he started to worry about bear...

"Oh, bear, where are you?" cried the bud.


In fact, bear was hanged on the weird tree...

"Oh! Help me! I was stuck!" the bear cried out loud.

  Finally, bud found bear was hanged on the tree!      
    Bear saw Bud, he said,"Hey! Bud! I'm here! Save me!"      
          "Hey! Don't worry Bear, I'm coming!" said Bud.    
          Luckily, both of them were safe at last.    
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