

Phi Alpha Theta


Undergraduate History Honors Society

University of California, Berkeley

Officers for 2000-2001 Academic School Year:


President Shirley Ye

As president, Shirley is the director of the executive and board committees. She is also the liaison to the History Department, Office of Student Life, and the ASUC. Currently, Shirley is working on her senior honors' thesis on silent film reception. She plans to graduate in May 2001. You may contact her at shye@uclink4.berkeley.edu


Historian Julie Pham

As historian, Julie is the editor-in-chief of the esteemed undergraduate history journal Clio's Scroll. She plans to graduate in May 2001.  You may contact her at jpham1@uclink4.berkeley.edu


Vice President Daniel Kim

Dan is the liaison to the national tier of Phi Alpha Theta. He handles membership, facilitates committee work, and is the assistant to the president. You may contact him at ddtgkim@uclink4.berkeley.edu


Treasurer Jeffrey Knox

Jeff is the financial director of the club. He also acts as the assistant to the Historian. You may contact him at jknox@uclink4.berkeley.edu



Lecture Series Coordinators: Deborah Sudduth and Victoria Zetterquist

Film Nights Director: John McClure

Career Panel: Joanne Chen, John McClure, Andrew Massey, and Nina Milosevic

Publicity: Andrew Massey

Social: Nina Milosevic, John McClure, and Jasvinder Khaira.

Webmaster: David Chen





