Jaiden Michael Hiemenz!

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You are the light of many people lives. You have lots of grandmothers because these are people that are related to you and are not but will be in your life as much as the people that have your blood. You will see that your mother is the kindest person and she loves you with all her heart. You don't know this yet but I hope you never see me act like a little kid I am trying to be the best I can be and I will never hurt you I will always be there for you.You probably will never know your father but you will have Mike in your life and he is a good influence most of the time and his heart is always in the right place. He always will be there for you no matter what and he will love you even if you do something wrong. You'll see just enjoy life and live it to it's fullest.


Aunt Ashley
People Who Love you
Mommy, Mike, Aunt Amanda, Grandma, Grandma B. Grandpa, Grandpa B., Aunt Ashley, Uncle Gary, Uncle Allen, All of mommy's friends, Aunt Megan, Aunt Jackie, Aunt Denise, and Uncle Russell.

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