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Angry Bee

Another cute tag by Robert, he will take you to the morphing effect this time

My friend Candie gave me some help fine tuning this tut

Written byİDorothy/May/2006

Tag by Robert


Angry Bee Template

Open the angry bee template in PSP...Duplicate it and close the original for use again, later Open both texts and minimize them to task bar if you are using mine...add a new raster layer and click on the text tool using these settings...Font_Camolage...size set at 72...floating and antalias checked...stroke set at black...and use a fill set at your choice of colour....I used #808000...add an inner bevel with these settings

Move the text over to the very right of your canvas...deselect....Move the TEXT layer below the Bee 1 layer, making sure the Angry Bee is touching the letter to be bee 2 to judge where the bee is coming on to the angry bee to see what letter he will attack..I had to squeeze my name in so he could land on my letter...if you have to do the same just use the deform tool and squeeze your name in.. open Bee22 layer so you can be sure he is leaving your first letter. now move your text so it is right under the angry so

Add a new raster with the text tool ...using same colour and size... (you might want to use a different colour fill for this letter, such as red or deep pink) and using Assylum font.. type only the single letter the angry bee will be stinging... ..add an inner bevel with these settings

place the single letter right on top of the matching text so

deselect... Duplicate your text layer and turn off the original...with the lasso tool and the copy of text layer the active layer......lasso around the letter you are replacing and hit delete... close off all layers except the copy of text and the single letter... merge these 2 layers and call it copy of text... the letter looks a little bigger but that's ok, we all swell up when bitten

OK, Here's where I'm going to resize mine, it's way too big....go to image...resize..Pixels 400... make sure all layers is checked and maintain aspect is checked.. the drop down box click on Bicubic Resample...hit you can leave yours big if you wish, this is just my choice

Close off all of layers

1)Open the text animation shop(AS) ...right click and select.. paste as new animation...go back to psp

2)Open bee1 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. .. back to AS...right click on last frame and choose paste after current frame...go back to psp

3)Close bee 1 layer...Open bee2 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and choose.paste after current frame...go back to psp

4)Close bee 2 layer ..Open bee3 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

5)Close bee 3 layer..Open bee4 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and choose paste after current frame...go back to psp

6)Close bee 4 layer ...Open bee5 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and choose paste after current frame...go back to psp

7)Close bee 5 layer..Open bee6 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

8)Close bee 6 layer..Open bee7 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

9)Close bee 7 layer....Open bee 8 layer..make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

10)Close bee 8 layer..Open bee9 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

11)Close bee 9 layer..Open bee10 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

12)Close bee 10 layer...Open bee11 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

13)Close bee 11 layer..Open bee 12 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

14)Close bee 12 layer..Open bee 13 layer...make sure your text layer is open at all times....edit...copy>merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

Ok, Now it get's on the layer"bee looking at you"... to highlight it and unhide it then go to edit...copy and then edit paste as new image..Back in AS...right click and paste as new animation.

back in PSP click on angry bee and highlight it...then go to edit..copy...edit..paste as new on angry bee...go to edit...copy... In animation shop right click on first frame(bee looking at you) and paste after current on frame one(bee looking at you) select go to effects...insert image transition...with these settings

Minimize the morph frames for now

Got this far????......Well there's more lol ...go back to psp...make sure all layers are closed except your text layer... click on the text layer to highlight it...go to edit...copy>merged...

back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame...still in AS.. right click on the plain text layer and duplicate this until you have 7 plain text frames...go back to psp..

.close off text layer... open copy of on the layer to highlight it...edit.. copy...merged...back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame... right click on this frame and duplicate selected this until you have a total of 9 frames ..(30 frames total)

You should not have 7 plain text and 9 copy of text frames... now open morphed bees and click on on the 7 plain text and the 1 "copy of text" frames to highlight them and edit...paste into selected frames...make sure you place him low enough to bite the letter you chose him to land on... ok,....go back to your bees morphed... all..animation...reverse frames...edit... select holding down the shift on the first copy of text that has no on the last frame to highlight them all.. now paste into selected frames and make sure you drop the bee on the right letter and in the same place as before....

WHEW!!!!, glad that's done...go back to psp

15)Close bee 13 bee 14 layer... make sure the copy of text is open....edit... copy...merged...back to AS...right click on last frame and choose paste after current frame... back in psp

16)Close bee 14 bee 15 layer ... make sure the copy of text is open....edit... copy...merged...back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame... back in psp

17)Close bee 15 bee 16 layer... make sure the copy of text is open....edit... copy...merged...back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame... back in psp

18)Close bee 16 bee 17 layer... make sure the copy of text is open....edit... AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame... back in psp

19)Close bee 17 bee 18 layer... make sure the copy of text is open....edit... AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame... back in psp

20)Close bee 18 bee 19 layer... make sure the copy of text is open....edit... copy...merged...back to AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame... back in psp

20)Close bee 19 bee 20 layer... with your selection tool set at rectangal..draw a box around the bee that is over the first letter....hit delete key.. select none

Cut 1

20)Close bee 20 bee 21 layer... with your selection tool set at rectangal..draw a box around the bee that is over the first letter....hit delete key.. select none

make sure the copy of text layer is open....edit... copy...merged...back to AS...right click on last frame and choose paste after current frame... back in psp

23)Close bee 21 bee 22 layer... with your selection tool set at rectangal..draw a box around the bee that is over the first letter..

select none... make sure the copy of text is open....edit... copy...merged...back to AS...right click on last frame and choose paste after current frame... back in psp

Close off bee 22 and with just the copy of text open....edit...copy...merged.. back to AS...right click on last frame and choose paste after current frame

Ok, lets crop this on your crop tool and go to the second last frame...where you see his tail end showing, just crop around the bee and the text...then hit crop.... as I have shown in my screen shot..

Click on frame 22 and 23...where the bee has bitten and change the frame properties to 31 for just a little hesitation...right click on the last frame...set frame properties at 150....and your done

