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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
The Archer

Another tag made by Robert

Written by ©Dorothy,Aug/2005

Tag by Robert


Archer template

Open your template in PSP...close off all layers except the bottom layer and the top layer... we have to judge where the arrow is going to land on the letter you chose

With the text tool...size set at 48...stroke set at null...fill set at your colour... floating and antalias checked.....font Impact, in your font list, or your choice ...type your name and place it so the last arrow is going to drop the top of the letter,

in this case mine is "T" and I had to make my canvas size larger to accomodate where the arrow would may or may not have to do this, if you do just go to "image...canvas size and change the top size and make sure the bottom size is set at image horizontilly and center image vertical, both checked

Now we can begin

Re name this layer text and drag it to the top of the stack..... With the text layer set in place and being the active layer...add a glass effect.. effect...eye these settings

Duplicate the text layer and close off the copy....with the text layer the active layer and with your lasso tool ,lasso around the peice you are going to attach to the arrow...edit....copy...hit the delete key ...edit ...paste as new name this peice

1)Close off all layers except archer 1 text...and the peice on the bow and arrow... edit..copy AS...edit...paste as new animation

2)Cose off archer 1 and open archer the peice on the arrow...edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

3)Close off archer 2 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

4)Close off archer 3 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

5)Close off archer 4 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

6)Close off archer 5 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

7)Close off archer 6 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

8)Close off archer 7 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

9)Close off archer 8 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

10)Close off archer 9 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

11)Close off archer 10 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

12)Close off archer 11 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

13)Close off archer 12 and open archer the peice on the arrow.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

14)Close off archer 13 and open archer 14..close off copy of text...close off peice.......edit ...copy merged... In AS....right click on the last frame and paste after current frame


In animation shop, click on all... animation...frame properties set at 50...animation resize to 300, or your choice

Thanks Robert for a nice easy tag


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