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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Bad Boy

Another cute tag done by Robert

Written byİDorothy

Tag by Robert

Let's begin!


Make a folder for your to save your images to, as there are a lot of layers with this tut

Bad Boy Supplies

Open your font and shrink it to task the tewmplate in PSP.... Close off all layers except the bottom layer... add a new layer and with your font tool ...size set at 48, or if you have a small name set it at 72...font Kisstell.. included in the supplies... stroke set at black....line set at 1...fill set at your choice...type your name and place it above the boy...., place it so the ball doesn't have to travel too far...saves layers that boy 10 to help judge where to put the text

add this inner bevel

re name this layer text

This is a biggy so now is a good time to the crop tool and draw around your image...don't forget the boy....image crop....

1)Close off all layers except the text layer....layers>merge...visible.... save as image the undo button

2)Open boy 1 and as image 2.... click the undo button

3)Close off boy 1 and open boy 2.....layers> as image the undo button

4)Close off boy 2 and open boy 3.....layers> as image the undo button

5)Close off boy 3 and open boy 4.....layers> as image the undo button

6)Close off boy 4 and open boy 5.....layers> as image the undo button

7)Close off boy 5 and open boy 6.....layers> as image the undo button

8)Closae off boy boy as image 8

9)Close off boy 7 and open boy we bring the ball into play...duplicate the ball and close off the original, I will call this copy of the ball in front of the sling shot and a little away from it...heading to whichever letter you choose to hit first... layers> as image the undo button

10)On the next few layers...just move the ball forward, I will have mine take 4 moves and settle in the "D" in my name on the 5th move

15)Close off boy 8 and open boy 5..... close off the ball layer....layers> as image 15

16)Click the undo button...close off boy 5 and open boy 6...layers> as image 16

17)Click the undo button....close off boy boy 7.....layers>merge.. save as image 17

18)Click the undo button....close off boy boy 8..duplicate ball...close off the original... ball... and place the ball in front of the sling shot and a little away from it.... .....layers>merge.. save as image 18

19)Click the undo button and for the next 3 layers...just move the ball towards the next letter you want it to rest on...on the 4th move place it on the letter

23)Close off boy 8 and open boy 5....layers> as image 22

24)Click the undo button...close off boy 5 and open boy 6...layers> as image 24

25)Click the undo buttorn....close off boy boy 7.....layers>merge.. save as image 25

26)Click the undo button....close off boy boy ball... and place the ball in front of the sling shot and a little away from it.... .....layers>merge.. save as image 26

27)Click the undo button and for the next 2 layers...just move the ball towards the next letter you want shatter...on the 3rd move place it on the letter

30)Click the undo button ...close off boy 8 and open boy 9...and make sure the ball is sitting on the letter....with the text layer the active layer and with your lasso tool...lasso around a peice of the to tighten ants.... .move this peice out away from the ball.... do this 3 more times...lassoing a peice of the letter and moving it away from the ball.....layers> as image 30

31)Click the undo button untill all the peice return to original size... ...close off boy 9 and open boy 10...and make sure the ball is sitting on the letter....with the text layer the active layer and with your lasso tool...lasso around a peice of the to tighten ants... move this peice out away from the ball further out than the previous layer....... do this 3 more times...lassoing a peice of the letter and moving it away from the ball.....with each peice of letter...image resize to 50% ...layers> as image 31

32)Click the undo button untill all peices return to original size.... with the text layer the active layer...lasso around the letter you shattered and delete.....with the boy the active layer....image mirror and head him off the move him with no jump... click on the de form tool and holding down the ctrl key and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard... move him heading off the canvas... as image 32

33)Click the undo button and with the boy the active layer ...move him further off the canvas....make sure the shattered letter has been deleted.... as image 33

34)Click the undo button and again move the boy 1/2 off the canvas... as image 34

35)Click the undo button...close off the boy layer...layers>..merge.... save as image 35

And your done!!!!!!!!


Open animation shop and click on the animation wizard...

First box...same size as first image next next...

Upper left corner of frame and with the canvas color checked next

Yes repeat and in the 1/100th box enter next

Add your next

Click finish

Right click on frame set at 200

Click the animation button and if you are satisfied... save your animation

I hope you had fun with this one

Thanks Robert for sharing



Robert's Page 1