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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Bear on a Log

This is a cute little tag Robert made, very easy and only 6 layers

Have fun

Written by ©Dorothy,September/2005

Tag by Robert


Bear Template

Open your template in PSP...close off all layers except the sand layer...with your text tool...size set at 36...vector and antalias checked...stroke set a null...fill set at your colour... I used the font Comic Sans MS,but you may have a better font... layers...convert to raster layer and close off all layers except your text layers...layers Merge name this layer text.... now stretch your name so the back of the log is sitting on a letter and the front of the log is sitting on a letter, I found I had to sit my log on 2 letters, therefore I had to work with 3 letters

so that is the way I will write this tut in case some have the same problem

add an inner bevel with these settings

1)Open the sand layer, sky layer text layer and bear 1 layer.....with your lasso tool and your text layer the active layer...lasso around each letter ....last letter to be shrunk first...first letter to be shrunk last... click the de form tool and squeeze those letters down to look like the log is sitting on it...the 3 letters will have to be shrunk...edit...copy ...merge.. in AS...right click and paste as new animtaion

Click the undo button to bring back just the first letter...lasso around the first letter and with the de form tool.. shrink the letter so the log is sitting on it...close bear bear 2...edit...copy> AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

3)Click the undo button to bring back the first letter... .lasso around the second letter and bring it up just a bit so the log is sitting on it... lasso around the first letter and with the de form tool.. shrink the letter so the log is sitting on it..close bear bear 3...edit...copy> AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

4)Close bear bear 4...edit...copy> AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

5)Close bear bear 5...edit...copy> AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

6)Close bear bear 6...edit...copy> AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Now was that easy or what...


In animation all...animation... frame properties set at 30

And that's all folks!!!

Thanks Robert for an cute and easy tag


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