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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Motor Bike

This is another tag made by Robert, he is making us some nice easy tags so I hope you enjoy this one

Written by ©Dorothy


Tag by Robert

Let's get rolling on this one


Open the text and shrink it to the taskbar

Open your template in PSP.......Close off all layers except the bottom layer...add a new layer and with your text tool....size set at 28....stoke set at null...fill set at white....floating and antalias checked... type your hit it with the de form tool and drag it a little the bike layer to judge where to place your name and with the de form tool...turn it a little to face the on the nodes on the top and bottom ...hold down the shift key.... and kinda squeeze the name in to meet the light on the bike

Like may have to move it over a little to wards the light....take off the de form tool and while the text is still active put on an inner bevel....with these settings

Layers>merge...close off and re name text.....

Now let's put a beam on the the bike layer and the text layer... add a new layer and with your lasso tool lasso a triangle around the name and the light

Now flood fill with white..... close off any other layers that are open and merge the beam name it beam

1)Duplicate and drag 1...layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Duplicate and drag down....background...motor bike low... text.....drop the opacity on the text to 45...... duplicate and drag down...beam....drop the opacity to 45...layers>merge...close off and re name

3)Duplicate and drag down....background...motor bike high... text.......... duplicate and drag down...beam....drop the opacity to 45...layers>merge...close off and re name

4)Duplicate layer 2 and drag to name layer 4

5)Duplicate layer 1 and drag to name layer 5

Open all layers and save as


Open AS and open your graphic in AS

frame properties


Frame 1 and 2 set at 25

Frame 3 set at 125

Frame 4 and 5 set at 25

Now isn't that an easy one...thanks Robert for sharing
