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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Brrr Cold

Such a pretty picture Robert found to make a tag with, this is quite easy and I made a snowfall on my picture, this is your choice

Snow template by ©rae

.................Let's begin...............

Cold Template

Open the font and shrink to task bar if using your template in PSP....close off all layers except the bottom layer...add a new layer and name it text....text tool set at 48(smaller if you like)...stroke set at blue...fill set at white... line set at 1...caps lock on...type your name and place it at the bottom or wherever you want to put it....effects...inner bevel with these settings

duplicate this layer 2 times for a total of 3 name text 1,2 and 3.....close off text 1 and 3...with text 2 highlighted.. click on effects...eye candy 3000...jiggle and use these settings

Close off text text 3...same eye candy effect changing the warp to 15...close off that layer.. duplicate text 2 and drag it to the top of the stack...close off all text layers...

Click on the very top layer and add a new layer... name all...selections...modify....contract by 4....selections... invert...flood fill this layer with white and add the inner bevel you added to your text.. a picture this pretty deserves a frame....

1)With background... text 1....snow 1 and frame the open layers... AS.. right click and paste as new layer

2)Close off text text 2....close off snow snow 2... edit...copy AS...right click on last frame ...pase after current frame

3)Close off text text 3....close off snow snow 3... edit...copy AS...right click on last frame ...pase after current frame

4)Close off text copy of text 2....close off snow 3... open snow 4... edit...copy AS...right click on last frame ...paste after current frame

The animation frames stay at 10

Now was that easy and no animation changes to the frames

Thanks Robert for another nice tag


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