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Playing Ball

Another cute little tag by Robert

Written byİDorothy, October/2005

Tag by Robert


Dog Supplies

Open your template in your text and shrink it to task bar if you are using mine...add new layer...With the text tool set at size...48...stroke set at null... fill set at your kerring set at 100...floating and antalias checked... type your name and place it so the 3rd letter is right in front of the hand down... hit it with the de form tool and drag it down so his feet don't show...and up so the letter fits in his paw.....

while still active add this inner bevel

Drop shadow

Selections none .....drag this layer to the top of the stack.. duplicate this layer and turn off the original...lasso around the 3rd letter of your to tighten ants....edit...copy...delete key...edit paste as new it back in it's spot.... re name this layer letter...duplicate the letter 2 more times for a total of 3

Close off all layers except hand down and one of the letters... name hand down....close off that layer .. open hand another letter....bring the letter up to sit on his paw...layers>merge.... re name hand middle....close off that hand up open the last letter....bring the letter up to sit on his paw...layers> name hand up...

This is what your layer palette should look like

Let's crop our graphic...with the selection tool...draw around the dog and name...leave the space at both ends...just draw around the top and bottom...leave a little room at the top, we are going to put a frame around himimage..crop to selection

Add a new all...selections...modify... contract by 5...selections just flood fill with a colour and add the same inner name this layer frame and drag it to the top of the palette...if you want a drop shadow... use the same settings as before and do it a second time with -4 in the vertical and horizontal boxes

Ok, now we are ready to roll

We will move the dog like so...make the layer to be moved the active the de form tool and holding down the ctrl key and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard...move your object

1)close off all layers except.....copy of text....frame...edit...copy.. AS....right click and paste as new animation

2)Open hand down and with the de form tool move him to thje left side of the canvas...only 1/2 showing........edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame the undo button

3)Close off hand hand middle.......move him over to the left of the canvas just on the canvas....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame the undo button

4)Close off hand hand up.....move him over to the left and just behind your first letter...edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame the undo button

5)Close off hand hand hand middle...move him over to the next letter.....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame the undo button

6)Close off hand hand down.....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame the undo button

7)Close off hand middle.....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

8)Close off hand hand up.....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

9)Close off hand middle.....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

10)Close off hand hand down.....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

11)Close off hand middle.....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

12)Close off hand hand up.....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

13)Close off hand hand middle.....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

14)Close off hand hand down......edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

15)Close off hand hand middle.....edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

16)Close off hand hand up......edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

17)Close off hand hand middle......edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

18)Close off hand hand down......edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

19)Close off hand hand middle...move him behind the 4th (next)letter to the right heading off the canvas.........edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

20)Close off hand hand up..... move him behind the 5th(next) letter to the right heading off the canvas.edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

21)Close off hand hand middle...... move him behind the 6th (next) letter to the right heading off the canvas...edit...copy... merge. in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

22)Close off hand hand down...... move him behind the 7th(next) letter to the right heading off the canvas.edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

23)Close off hand hand middle and move him to the right heading off the canvas.........edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

24)Close off hand hand up and move him to the right heading off the canvas.........edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

22)Close off hand hand middle and move him to the right heading further off the canvas.........edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

26)Close off hand hand down and move him to the right heading further off the canvas.........edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

27)Close off hand hand middle and move him to the right heading 1/2 off the canvas.........edit...copy... merge... in AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame

In animation shop click on all...animation frames set at 15,play with this setting, you may want to change it

All that's left is to save as and when you come to the Animation quality versus output on customize then click on optimization tab and make sure Minimal frames in unchecked

You may want to re size it, I took mine down to 300

And that's it for this one

Thanks Robert for another easy tag

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