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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

This is another of Robert's cute little tags

Written by ©Dorothy


Tag by Robert

Let's get this thing fired up!


Open your font and srink it to the the template...close off a layers except dragon fire layer....add a new layer and with the text tool set at size 72 font...gunhead chick.. enclosed in the supplies... or use your own font..........fill set at #719739 or your colour...stRoke set at null...floating and antalias checked....type your name..and you will have to hit it with the de form tool and with the node in the middle drag it up to the height of the it so the fire is going to hit one of the letters..... want one of the letters to burn....while your text is still selected add this inner bevel

Select none...layers>merge...close off and re name text

1( Duplicate and drag down...text....dragon 1... layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Dup[licate and drag down....text...dragon 2....layers> merge...close off and re name

3)Duplicate layer 1 and drag to top of name 3

4)Duplicate....layer2 and drag to ope of stack...rename 4

5)Duplicate layer 1 and drag to top of name 5

6)Duplicate layer 2 and drag to top of name 6

7)Duplicate layer 1 and drag to top of name 7

8)Duplicate layer 2 and drag to top of name 6

9)Duplicate layer 1 and drag to top of name 7

10) Dupicate and drag down...text....dragon fire...layers>merge...close off and re name

11)Duplicate and drag down...text....dragon black.... with your lasso tool set at freehand....draw around your letter, kinda jaggy...add a new layer and with your airbrush tool with these settings...

Spray inside the ants...layers

And that is all there is to this one...

Open all layers and save as


Open AS your graphic in animation shop...

I re sized mine to 400, but this is your choice.

Proerties frames


Frame's...1...3...5.. 7 and 9...set at ...50

Frame's...2...4....6 and 8...set at 30

Frame 10 set at 150

Frame 11 set at 250

That otta do it for this one...thanks Robert for another cute tag.... if they are all this easy the 'bring 'em on

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