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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Boy guys do we ever have an easy one here...Robert left all the layers and all we have to do is put them to gether...I expect to see a lot of this one on the boards....real easy

Written byİDorothy

Oct 29/2004

Tag by Robert

Let's get this fired up1


Template and Font

This is all you will need

Open the font and shrink it to taskbar.... open the template and make sure all layers are closed off except the bottom layer.... add a new layer and with the text tool size set at 48...font...tinkertoy (enclosed).. fill set at...colour of your choice....stroke set at null....type your name... add an inner bevel with these settings

Re name text

1)Duplicate text and drag it under frame frame 1....layers>merge... close off and re name layer 1

2)Duplicate text and drag it under frame frame 2....layers>merge... close off and re name layer 2

3)Duplicate text and drag it under frame frame 3....layers>merge... close off and re name layer 3

Keep doing this until you have duplicated text and merged it with frame 21

22)Now the picture changes....duplicate text and place it under frame frame 22...with the text layer active... add this pencil effect....To do this go to effects>artistic effects>pencil ...add this effect

Duplicate this text and move it under frame 22....Layers> name layer 22

23)Duplicate text and move it up under frame frame 23 and layers>merge... close off and re name 23...continue this way by duplicating the text and moving it up under the next layer up to and including frame 35

Open all layers and save as.

And your was that easy or what?


Open Animation Shop...find your graphic and open it in AS...nothing more here except to hit the animation button and watch him fire up...all the animation properties are set at 10 but if you wish to change any, now is the time...also a good time if you want to re size it

Thanks Robert for another easy tut
