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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Well Robert has done it again, only this time he has given us an easy one and a cute one too

Robert made his with eye candy 4000, but for you who do not have it I have made it with eye candy 3000....not quire as nice but it will pass....if you have eye candy 4000 then that's the one to use,but you will have to experiment with the settings

Written by

© Dorothy

July 12,2004

Tag by Robert

Ok, let's get this thing fired up


is all you need

....Open the font and shrink it to task bar

Open a new image 500 x 250...this can be re sized later...

With the text tool ...stroke set at null...fill set at Linear gradient ...colour red/yellow......floating and antalias checked......size set at 72...type your name and place it near the bottom of the image.........add an inner bevel...

With the lasso tool lasso the letters you want to be the fire........Holding down the shift key lasso inside any letters you want fire on....duplicate this 4 times by hitting shift key and D eye candy 3000 and click on fire... with these settings click ok....on the first image....

selections>select none and save as image 1

Do the same with the next 3 images...leave all the settings on eye candy the same except change the random seed by 1 each the 4th image the random seed should be 4

Believe it or not...that was the hard part...

Open on the Animation wizard and all settings as follows...

same size as first image frame checked

Transparent checked

Upper left corner of frame....with canvas color checked

Yes, repeat and 10 in the box

Add your images



Now open your graphic of the little devil... with your fire image the active image...edit>select all... edit>copy...right click on the last frame and paste after current frame....right click on the last frame...paste after current frame ...! more time...right click on last frame....paste after current should now have 16 frames

Make the devil the active image....edit>select all...edit>copy

Click on the devil frames...edit >select all.. click on the text frame.....edit>select all... .paste into selected frames and place him on the flames

Click on the crop on surround opaque area.. click ,maybe you want it a little smaller....if so click on animation...resize.....

You are now tha animation button and watch him dance...

Boy we really smoked along on that one

Thanks Robert for a cute tag and especially thanks for such an easy one

I could not finish without having my little bit of fun
