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Robert's back with another cute little tag

Written by ©Dorothy,Feb/2006

Tag by Robert

Let's get jumping




Keep in mind I am making this for my name which has 7 letters, you may have to adjust yours if you have more or less letters

Open your template in PSP...open your font if you are using mine and shrink it to taskbar, I used Accent cookie dough bevause I thought it was cute...

Make sure all layers are open and click on the bottom layer...add a new layer...with your text tool ...size set at 72...stroke set at black..line set at 1......fill set at your colour...floating and antalias checked... type your text....1 letter at a time,and on it's own layer...add a new layer and with your draw tool set at single line and the size set at 4...draw a line from left to right as a guide for the letters and peices to sit evenly...re name this layer LINE...now place each text directly under a candy peice on the line.....you may have to duplicate a candy peice land if you don't need all the peices just delete the layers you don't need or close them off. re name each layer it's letter

This is what your layer palette should look like

1)Close off the line layer...Open all layers...edit...copy>merge...in AS...right click and paste as new animation

2)Close off the first letter of your text..open the line layer....in the layer palette click on peice 1 to highlight it... click on the defrm tool...holding down the ctrl key and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard ...move the first layer down to the line...close off the line layer...edit...copy>merge... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

This is the way we will move each peice......in the layer palette click on layer to highlight it... click on the deform tool...holding down the ctrl key and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard ...move the peices down to the line.


3)Close off the first and second letter of your text..open the line layer... .in the layer palette highlight peice 2... ...move it down to the line...close off the line layer...edit...copy>merge... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

4)Close off the first, second and third letter of your text..open the line layer... .in the layer palette highlight peice 3... ...move it down to the line...close off the line layer...edit...copy>merge... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

5)Close off the first, second, third and fourth letter of your text..open the line layer... .in the layer palette highlight peice 4... ...move it down to the line...close off the line layer...edit...copy>merge... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

6)Close off the first, second , third , fourth and fifth letter of your text..open the line layer... .in the layer palette highlight peice 5... ...move it down to the line...close off the line layer...edit...copy>merge... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

7)Close off the first, second,third, fourth, fifth and sixth letter of your text..open the line layer... .in the layer palette highlight peice 6... ...move it down to the line...close off the line layer...edit...copy>merge... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

8)Close off the first, second,third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh letter of your text..open the line layer... .in the layer palette highlight peice 7... ...move it down to the line...close off the line layer...edit...copy>merge... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Lets draw another line to keep these guys straight...add a new layer...with the draw tool draw a line above the candy peices, from left to right and re name it line 2

9)Duplicate last candy peice...close off the original...open line 2... move the copy to above the previous candy peice .....close off line 2

edit...copy>merge...In AS...right click on last frame..paste after current frame

10)Open line 2....Duplicate the third from last candy peice.....close off the original.. (in my case with 5th letter)...move it over to above the fourth candy peice...

Close off line 2....Edit...copy>merge...in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

11)Close off peices 4 open peice 5... close off 6..open 7(in my case)

Edit...copy>merge...in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

12)Open line 2......Open peice 4 and peice 6....Close off copies of candy peices.....open the originals,duplicate candy peice 1...move it up to the same height as the previous move.....duplicate candy peice 2...close off the original.. move it up....close off line 2,...

edit...copy>merge...in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

13)In AS...click on frame 1 and holding down the shift key click on the last frame of your comlete name, in my case it was frame 8..these frames will be highlighted...right click on one of the frames...click copy...now go to the last frame...right click and paste after current frame...go to animation reverse frames .......whew!!!!!!!!!!!done with this one...........almost......LOL

Edit...select all...animation frame properties set at 30

Now we are done!

Thanks Robert for another great tag

Robert's Page

Robert's Holiday Page

Dorothy's Index Page
