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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Another cute and easy tag by Robert, this is done by copy>merge

Written byİDorothy,Jan/2006

Tag by Robert


Kangaroo Supplies

Open your template in PSP...close off all layers except layer 3 and fence layer..... add a new layer....text set at comic sans MS or your choice...size set at 48....stroke set at black ....fill set at your choice...line set at 1... floating and antalias checked...type your name.....add an inner bevel with these settings

re name this layer text and drag it to the top of the stack

Now place one of your letters on the baby kangaroo so his eyes are showing, if you have a "O" that's the best, I did mine with an "R" to show it can be done with another your text on top of the fence

Now lasso around the letter you are using for the baby and click to tighten ants....edit...copy...hit delete....edit...paste as new layer... place it back in place..... re name this layer "letter"...duplicate and turn off the original

Layer palette should look like this

1)Close layer 3....Open sky,sand, layer 1 and text ...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste as new animation

2)Close layer 1..Open layer 2 ...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

3)Close layer 2..Open layer 3.. open copy of letter...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

4)Close layer 3..Open layer 4...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

5)Close layer 4...Open layer 5 ...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

6)Close layer 5...Open layer 6 ...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

7)Close layer 6...Open layer 7 ...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

8)Close layer 7...Open layer 8 ...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

9)Close layer 8...Open layer 9 ...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

10)Close layer 9...Open layer 10 ....edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

11)Close layer 10...Open layer 11...delete the copy of letter.....duplicate the letter... close off the original.....with the letter the active on the de form tool and holding down the ctrl key and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard ... move the letter down just 6 clicks....with your lasso tool...lasso around the bottom part of the to tighten ants....hit delete...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

12)Close layer 11...Open layer 12 ...delete the copy of letter.....duplicate the letter... close off the original.....with the letter the active on the de form tool and holding down the ctrl key and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard ... move the letter down just 12 clicks....with your lasso tool...lasso around the bottom part of the to tighten ants....hit delete...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

13)Close layer 12...Open layer 13 ...delete the copy of letter...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

In animation all ...animation properties set at 15

And we are done.......Cute little tag Robert

Thanks Robert for another easy tag

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Dorothy's index page
