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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Me and my Shadow

Another cute tag by Robert, something new I learnt about eye candy 4000.

This was written with Paint shop Pro 78 and uses eye candy 4000. I don't know if there is a demo for it or not

Written byİDorothy,Nov/2007

Tag by Robert



Open temlate in psp and open the font and shrink it to taskbar if using mine... first lets merge our layers and call it background...layers>merge name background... Add a new layer and name it on the text tool and with your text set at size 72....fill set at your colour....stroke set at null...floating and antalias checked, (with this font you can only use small letters,not capitols) type your name and move it over to the bottom left on your none..with your magic wand and holding down the shift key,click inside each snowdrift on each go to selections...modify....expand by 1...with your paint bucket set your colour to white(unless you want a different colour snow) and fill each snowdrift.....go to effects....3D effects...inner bevel with these settings

select none

You may want to play with the inner bevel setting to get the effect you want

Duplicate your text layer 11 times for 12 copies... re name text 1 through 11....Now for the shadow effect...

when changing your numbers always click the little arrow in order to get the slant

Always keep your background layer open.....Close off all text layers except text 1....with text 1 the active layer..... go to eye candy on shadow and add these settings.

...with text 1 the active layer and the background layer open....go to edit>copy>merge....go to animation shop and right click and paste as new animation

Go back to psp.....Close off text text 2.... add these setting with eye candy 4000

...edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

Close off text text 3.....add this setting for eye candy 4000

...edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

Close off text 3 text 4 ...change only the "center off set distance number" on all the rest of the frames..... add this offset #29.09.......edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

Close off text text 5... making sure to hit the arrow...this off set # is 49.09.......edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

Close off text text 6...change this off set # to 59.09...edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

Close off text text 7...this off set #....69.09....edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go bavck to psp

Close off text text 8...this off set #... 79.09...edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

Close off text text 9...this off set # ...89.09edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

Close off text text 10...this off set #99.09....edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

Close off text text 11...this off set offset direction set at 40...edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

Close off text text 12...this off set offset direction set at 40...edit>copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

Duplicate text name text 13....with your lasso tool.. lasso only the to tighten the on the de form tool...holding down the shift on the right hand upper corner and pull it out about 1/2 in, not too far... you don't want to distort the shadow.....holding down the shift key and moving over to the upper left corner....pull in about 1/2 in( pull it to ward the right hand corner)select none......edit.....copy> AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to psp

Duplicate text 12....drag it to the top of name text 14....edit>copy>merge.... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psps

Duplicate frame 14...lasso only the shadow and click in the middle to tighten ants...then click on the de form tool....while holding down the shift key click on the upper left node and pull it out to the left about 1/2 inch....go over to the upper right node and pull it over to ward the left node about 1/2 none....edit>copy>merge... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Duplicate text 14...drag it to top of stack...edit>copy> As...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 that's all for psp

In AS go to all.....edit...copy... right click on last frame and paste after current frame on on.. reverse frames, now your shadow should be walking back to your text

Now if you want that much movement just save and if you want less movement like on frame 16,17,18 and delete...

Here is where I re size mine.....animation re size...I took mine to 400

Frame properties....edit>select all...animation frame properties set at 20... right click on first frame...frame properties set at on frames 13 to 31....frame properties set at 15

And that's all for this one,thanks Robert for another good tag

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