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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Side Kick Girl

Poser by Toni, please visit her site

Written byİDorothy, June/2006

Tag by Robert



Open your template in PSP...duplicate (shift D) and close off the original .. shrink your font to task bar if you are using mine.... Close off all layers except the girl 4 layer...add a new layer and with your text tool...size set at 26...line set at 1...stroke set at black...fill set at your choice of colour... type your name and add this inner bevel

re name this layer "Text"... now place the text so the last letter is sitting on the foot of girl 3...I placed the bottom of my letter right on the bottom of her foot so I could get the other text in the right place

with your text layer the active layer..go to edit...copy.. edit...paste as new image.....go back to edit...copy... open animation shop...right click and paste as new animation... click on effects...insert image effect and the drop down box and click on ShakyCam add these settings

You should have 11 frames....Now click on frame 9 and delete that frame should now have 10 frames...just shrink these frames for now...go back to PSP

Close off all layers

1)Open text layer...and girl 1 layer... go to edit...copy>merged...go to AS...right click and paste as new animation...go back to PSP

2)Close off girl 1 girl 2 layer....go to edit> copy>merged....go to AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to PSP

3)Close off girl 2 girl 3 layer....close off text...go to edit> copy>merged....go to AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to PSP

4)Close off girl 3 girl 4 layer....close off text...go to edit> copy>merged....go to AS right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to PSP

5)In AS....right click on frame 4 and click on "duplicate selected frame".. do this 9 times for a total of 13 highlight frame 4 through 13 by clicking on frame 4 and holding down the shift on frame 13... bring up your text that you shrunk and click on all...edit...copy... now click on the girl frames and edit...paste into selected the text on the girls foot trying to get it right where it is in the first 3 frames, so there is no jump...go back to PSP

Open text and girl 4 layer...edit...copy>merged....go to as... right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to PSP

Close girl 4 girl 3 layer....edit...copy>merged....go to as... right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to PSP

Close girl 3 girl 2 layer....edit...copy>merged....go to as... right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back to PSP

Close girl 2 girl 1 layer...edit...copy>merged....go to as... right click on last frame and paste after current frame..

Click on all...animation ...frame properties set at 15, here you can play with the settings if you are not satisifed...I right clicked on frame 1 and changed the properties to 150, but htis is your choice

I hope you enjoyed this tut and thanks Robert for another great tag and thanks to Graphics Playroom for sharing your graphics



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