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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Thumb's Up!

Here we have another of Robert's tags....if you have done the witchy tag you will have no trouble with this one, I did it the same way....gotta have some spice in our life

Written byİDorothy


Tag by Robert

Let's get started

Make a new folder to save your images in


Open the template in PSP....shrink the text to the tasakbar....close off all layers except the botton layer....add a new layer....with you text tool...font set at bondantmutant(enclosed) or use your own text)....size set at 48....line set at 1....stroke set at black... colour set at your chouce.....type your name and place it next to thumb ....

add an inner bevel with these settings

Select name this layer text and drag it to the bottom...

1)Open text layer and thumb 1 layer....layers> as image 1..... back in PSP click the undo button

2)Duplicate the text layer...close off the original...Close off thumb 1(click the glasses) thumb 2( take the glasses off)... with the lasso tool...lasso the first letter you are going to inside to tighten the ants.....holding down the ctrl key and with the arrows to the right of the keyboard....move the letter to above the thumb....... select none....layers> as image 2..... back in PSP click the undo button

Each time you make the letter turn go to effects>sharpen

3)Now we will work with just the letter....with your lasso tool... lasso the letter and click the de form tool.....move the letter up a little and give it a little the left...

select none...layers> as image 3.... click the undo button

4)With your lasso tool... lasso the letter and click the de form tool.....move the letter up a little more and give it another little the left.. select none...layers> as image 4.... click the undo button

5)With your lasso tool... lasso the letter and click the de form tool.....move the letter up a little more...and over a little we are making a circle.... and give it another little the left... select none...layers> as image 5.... click the undo button

6)With your lasso tool... lasso the letter and click the de form tool...... and give it another little the left...move the letter almost upside down this time select none...layers> as image 6.... click the undo button

7)With your lasso tool... lasso the letter and click the de form tool...... and give it another little the left...move the letter upside down this time and move it down just a little... select none...layers> as image 7.... click the undo button

8)Close off thumb 2 and open thumb 3....with your lasso tool... lasso the letter and click the de form tool...... and give it another little the left...move the letter on it's side... and move it down just a little...heading for the spot where it started out... select none...layers> as image 8.... click the undo button

9)Close off thumb 3 and open thumb 4....with your lasso tool... lasso the letter and click the de form tool...... and give it another little the left...move the letter down further... select none...layers> as image 9.... click the undo button

10)Close off thumb 4 and open thumb 5...with your lasso tool... lasso the letter and click the de form tool...... and give it another little the left...move the letter down further... next move will be to land it so bring the letter down close to the thumb... select none...layers> as image 10.... click the undo button

11)Close off copy of text....layers> as image 11

That's all for this part

...............Animation Shop............

Open animation on the animation wizard

Same size as first next next

Upper left corner and with canvas color next

Yes repeat the animation indfinitely....put 20 in next

Add next

Click finish

Now is a good time to the crop tool... click surround opaque crop....that's a much better I took mine down to 300 but it's your choice how big you want it.....right click on the first frame and frame properties set at 125

That's it! Your all done

Thanks for sharing another tag with us

