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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Tour de France

Follow "Away we gooo" tut to as far as frame 10

For this tut you will have to make each letter of your name on it's own layer....make sure you add the same inner bevel to each letter and name the layer

When you have all your letters made...duplicate your text, just for safety sake

11)With the graphic highlighted...move it over again....and on the text layer...lasso and delete the first letter of your the first single letter of your name and move it down and with the de form tool move it a little to look like it's falling....edit...copy merged.... in AS ...right clickon the last frame and paste after current frame

12)With the graphic highlighted....move it over again....On the text layer...lasso and delete the next letter of your the next single letter of your name and move it down and with the de form tool move it a little to look like it's falling....move the first letter over to the back of the bike...edit...copy merged.... in AS ...right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

13)With the graphic highlighted...move it over again....and on the text layer...lasso and delete the next(third letter) letter of your name.... move the first single letter over behind the bike... open the third letter of your name and with the de form tool move it a little to look like it's falling....move the second letter over behind the first letter, following the doesn't have to be in a straight line....edit...copy merged.... in AS ...right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

14)With the graphic highlighted...move it over again....and on the text layer...lasso and delete the 4th letter of your name.....move first ,second and third letter over following the bike... open the 4th letter and move it down... with the de form tool move it a little to look like it's falling....edit...copy merged.... in AS ...right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

15)With the graphic highlighted...move it over again....and on the text layer...lasso and delete the 5th letter of your name.....move first ,second, third and 4th letter over following the bike... open the 5th single letter and move it down... with the de form tool move it a little to look like it's falling....edit...copy merged.... in AS ...right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

16)There should be no graphic on this layer....On the text layer...lasso and delete the 6th letter of your name.....move first ,second, third fourth and fifth letter over following the bike... open the 6th single letter and move it down... with the de form tool move it a little to look like it's falling....edit...copy merged.... in AS ...right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

17)On the text layer...lasso and delete the 7th letter of your name.....move first ,second, third fourth, fifth and sixth letter over following the bike... open the 7th letter and move it down... with the de form tool move it a little to look like it's falling....edit...copy merged.... in AS ...right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

18) Just keep moving your letters to the end of the canvas and off the canvas one at a time until your canvas is empty. The last frame should be an empty one

And your done! all....animation frame properties set at 12....right click on the first frame....frame properties set at 100....right click on the last frame....frame properties set at 50

Now you are done

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