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Creating the orb brushes in PSP7

Making Brushes for PSP7

If you are like me and are joined at the hip with PSP 7 even though you have 7,8,9 and 10 and have tried to export brushes, this is the way I do it, I am going to use Hooteye's orb brushes as some with psp7 could not do the tut. I had to make his brushes smaller so we could create them in PSP7 so your tag will be a little smaller.

I don't know if there is any other tut on the internet, I did this one only with help on the psp 7 program

Hooteye also gave permission to let me post it as I had to make his brushes smaller. You will find Hooteye's original tut


Open the attached heart brushes in PSP 7, there should be 6 layers....make a folder on your desktop named heart brushes....close off all layers except layer 1.....go to all... selections float....

1)click on your paintbrush...this box will come up

2) click on the little paint brush

3) This box comes up

4) click on Custom brush,this box comes up

5) Click on "Create"...your layer 1 should show up in the box... Click on "edit paths" and a browse box will comce on an emty browse line and find your new "OK" and OK none

Close off heart 1 and open heart on all... repeat from 1 to 5 with each layer showing up in your box, and remember to select none when done creating each layer

Make sure each time you create a new layer that you are on the layer you are creating, example...heart 1,heart 2,heart 3, heart 4,heart 5, heart 6

Now all your brushes are in place just follow hooteyes tut for using the brushes and making your tag

I hope this has helped people who work with psp 7 because this is an awesome tag....Thanks Hooteye for giving me permission to write this and to change the size of your heart brushes

Here is a sample of the smaller version

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