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Class Listings


Feature Articles

Healing Arts


Mission Statement

New to the Valley

Poetry Page

Product Review

Reflections: Guest Articles

Resource Directory

Spirit on the Job

Spiritual Life


Submission Guidelines

Valleys of Idaho

Yoga Life


Submission Guidelines


Letters to the Editor :


Letters are welcomed and appreciated. Please send to, or

Spirit of the Valley, LLC PO Box 3730, Hailey, ID   83333.

All letters must include contact information, and may be edited for length and content.




Articles on themes, seasons, or particular issues are being accepted, and are published based on space available, content, and appropriateness.

General guidelines: 500-1000 words, submitted as Word document via email only. All submissions should be free of formatting beyond italics, bold or caps. All submissions must be spell-checked, include references if necessary, and should include a brief self-description of the author.

If you are a free-lance writer, please contact Angela Earle to discuss possible future article assignments.



Poems should be submitted as Word documents or as text in email body message, be spell-checked and not include any special formatting beyond textual spacing.   Please include brief self-description.   Email: or hard copy (please do not send originals as copies will not be returned) to

Spirit of the Valley at PO Box 3730, Hailey, ID  83333.

Note: Please review existing poetry submissions for an idea of what we're looking for.


Product & Book Reviews:


If you have a product or book that you would like reviewed in a future issue of Spirit of the Valley, please send to:

Spirit of the Valley at PO Box 3730, Hailey, ID83333.

Sending of a book or product does not guarantee a review. Our policy is that if we don't have anything nice to say about something, we won't say anything at all :)

Once received, materials become the property of Spirit of the Valley, LLC.





Summer 2006: Sizzling Hot Trends and Getaways Issuse

(Deadline: June 1)


Fall 2006: Food and the Environment Issue

(Deadline: September 1)


Winter 2006-7: Holidays & Valentine Issue

(Deadline: November 15)


Spring 2007: Spring Fling Issue

(Deadline: March 1)


For a sample copy, send mailing address & a check or money order for $2.00 (for postage & handling) to:

Spirit of the Valley
PO Box 3730
Hailey, ID 83333
