ÿþ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Thesis Proposal</title> <link href="styler.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <table width="780" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><img src="header.jpg" border="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><table width="780" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="ver12"> <tr> <td width="603" align="left" valign="top"> <table width="603" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="595"><h1>Thesis Proposal</h1></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top" class="ver12"><BR>&nbsp;<BR><STRONG>Stage One: Getting Started <BR></STRONG>The easiest way to begin writing a college essay is with brainstorming, clustering, or listmaking. There are other ways, but these are the simplest. With brainstorming, you simply write down everything you can think of about the topic, without <a href=http://www.Thesis-writer.com target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> rejecting any idea. Later, you go back and strike out the ideas you don't want to use. Clustering is similar, but with this method you start out with the main idea in a circle in the center, and put other ideas around it, <a href=http://www.Thesis-writing.net target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> connecting the ideas with lines. Clustering has the advantage of organizing the ideas a bit as you think of them. <BR>Listmaking is useful with a topic that has two sides, like a comparison topic or a for/against type of topic: <BR>For&nbsp;Against<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>These <a href=http://www.Thesis-writing-assistance.net target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> activities are called "pre-writing" or "invention" strategies. A Writing Center tutor can show you more about how they work. <BR>Stage II: Writing the First Draft <BR>After you've got all these ideas together it's time to start planning your essay. Look at your lists <a href=http://www.thesis-papers.net target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> or clusters and decide how the material naturally divides itself. Each division might be a separate paragraph, but you may find that later on you want to divide it some more. Try to compose a sentence for the introduction that is a general <a href=http://www.thesis-statement.net target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> statement of what you think about this topic. This is the thesis or main idea. All the other material should relate to this sentence. <BR>Now it's time to start your first draft. Put all your lists and clusters and notes on the table <a href=http://www.thesis-proposal.com target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> next to some blank paper and start writing. If you can't get the first sentence right, don't worry about it, just go on. Work as quickly as is comfortable. When you get stuck, look at your notes. If you have a good idea <a href=http://www.thesis-writing-advice.com target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> about another part of the paper, write it down on the notes so you can use it later. When you finish, go back and work on the parts that seemed a little rough. <BR>The important thing is to get your ideas down on <a href=http://www.Affordable-thesis.com target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> paper. Don't worry about grammar, spelling or punctuation at this point. <BR>Stage III: The Revising Process <BR>Now you have a rough draft, and you are ready to begin revising it. The questions below are designed to help you think about the needs of <a href=http://www.custom-thesis.com target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> the reader, and to make revisions that will serve the needs of your reader better. As you read the questions, look at the relevant parts of your first draft and make notes about how you want to change it. Don't be afraid to <a href=http://www.online-thesis.com target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> make major changes and move things around. The reader will appreciate your attention. <BR>This is also a good time to make an appointment with a Writing Center tutor. <BR>Stage IV: Proofread <BR>The last thing you do is proofread carefully. Sentence fragments and punctuation <a href=http://www.thesis-help.net target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> errors can sometimes be caught by reading your essay backwards sentence by sentence. This keeps you from getting caught up in the flow of your language and your meaning. Grammatical errors can also be caught by this sentence by sentence approach. Check spelling <a href=http://www.thesis-writing-service.com target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> with a dictionary if you have time. <BR>It is important to allow enough time for proofreading, so that you can be cool and calm at this stage. If you have followed the process described above, you have already spent enough time developing the <a href=http://www.buy-thesis.com target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> content of your essay. Now you can concentrate on form, so you can look at your essay as if it is a grammar and spelling exercise. Be careful though -- sometimes students change correct forms to incorrect ones at this stage. Don't rely <a href=http://www.help-with-thesis.com target=_blank><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a> only on memorized rules -- make sure it sounds right too. <BR>The Writing Center can also help you with proofreading, but don't wait until the last minute. You may be making more changes than you think. <BR> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table></td> <td width="177" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" class="ver12" style="padding:10px; line-height:20px "><a href=Index.htm><font color=#0000FF>Home</font></a><br><a href=Thesis-Writing.htm><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Writing</font></a><br> <a href=Thesis-Writing-Assistance.htm><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Writing Assistance</font></a><br> <a href=Thesis-Papers.htm><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Papers</font></a><br> <a href=Thesis-Statement.htm><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Statement</font></a><br> <a href=Thesis-Proposal.htm><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Proposal</font></a><br> <a href=Thesis-Writing-Advice.htm><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Writing Advice</font></a><br> <a href=Affordable-Thesis.htm><font color=#0000FF>Affordable Thesis</font></a><br> <a href=Custom-Thesis.htm><font color=#0000FF>Custom Thesis</font></a><br> <a href=Online-Thesis.htm><font color=#0000FF>Online Thesis</font></a><br> <a href=Thesis-Help.htm><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Help</font></a><br> <a href=Thesis-Writing-Service.htm><font color=#0000FF>Thesis Writing Service</font></a><br> <a href=Buy-Thesis.htm><font color=#0000FF>Buy Thesis</font></a><br> <a href=Help-With-Thesis.htm><font color=#0000FF>Help With Thesis</font></a><br> <a href=Writing-A-Thesis.htm><font color=#0000FF>Writing A Thesis</font></a><br> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="999999">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="40" align="center" bgcolor="#F0E79F" class="ver12"><font color="#333333">All Rights Reserved &copy; 2004.</font></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
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