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14 Mar, 05 > 20 Mar, 05
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
My first entry
Mood:  sad

hi everyone! this is my first entry. So i guess ill start off by tellin u about the love of my life, Randall. He is my ex-boyfriend. He broke my heart last summer but we are so close now. I miss him like crazy. But if i dont make him happy then i guess i will jus have to be his friend. He is always there when i need him. he tells me everything. But last nite we went to the movies and he was in a really bad mood. i asked him wut was wrong and he started yelling at me. he never ever yells at me not matter how mad he is. he has been actin so weird lately. its got me a little worried cuz i have never seen him act like he is actin. i dont know wut to do about it. So if anyone has any advice at all, i would really appreciate it! thanks!!!

Posted by ab8/xxbrokenheartedxx at 12:46 AM EST
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