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70s invasion Int. Glam 70s ; HURRIGANES, V MOTO ROCK, SUPERNAUT


this band released this glam rock lp in '73, not sure if it is english or their native language, the band were popular in finland and sweden, did they release anymore ? see our downloads page 2 for an mp3 sample :)


glam rock from hungary, this single came out around '77 or so....


DANDELION (Taraxacum spp.) is that weed that gets sprayed with all those *killer* pesticides and keeps coming back. Hooray! Dandelion always wins! Why, then, would we package up dandelion seeds to sell for planting in a garden? Because it is well worth growing, that's why. We need to stop trying to kill this jewel and start harvesting it. The tender leaves can be used as a spring tonic and the long tap roots can be used raw or roasted in teas (decoctions) for a myriad of aliments. Children like to make bouquets and garlands for all their favorite people with its flowers. .

The main benefit of this great herb are exerted upon the function of the liver. Dandelion has the capacity to clear obstructions and stimulate and aid the liver to eliminate toxins from the blood. The root is also useful for clearing obstructions of the spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, bladder and kidneys. It is of tremendous benefit to the stomach and intestines. In Chinese medicine this condition would be considered as "liver attacking spleen-pancreas," which refers to an imbalance of liver and pancreatic enzymes necessary for digestion. Thus it would seem that dandelion root helps to balance these enzymes which simultaneously benefit digestion, assimilation and elimination. Even the serious cases of hepatitis have rapidly been cured, sometimes within a week, by use of dandelion tea taken in cupful doses four to six times daily and of course, a light, easily digested diet of vegetable broths, rice and mung beans..

Dandelion root is a SPECIFIC for hypoglycemia, but it may need to be combined with other tonic herbs such as ginseng and a little ginger for maximum benefit. If in pill or tincture form, it is not required that all these herbs are in one formula, as too many herbs in one pill or tincture often result of not enough of anything. However, combing some (wisely) works.

Dandelion can also be used to remedy recent onset of diabetes, especially when combined with huckleberry leaf. It also helps reduce high blood pressure, thus aiding the action of the heart. Dandelion can be helpful in the treatment of anemia because it supplies useful nutritive minerals. The leaf is one of the finest diuretics, and contains potassium unlike other diuretics that deplete the system of potassium. Thus dandelion leaf can be taken for fluid retention, cystitis, nephritis, weight loss and hepatitis..

for more herbal healing see this site ~


this band SUPERNAUT were from austraila and released some above average glam in he mid 70s, see page 4 for reviews and info.........:)