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The TMNT Soundtrack Project

Mar. 11, 2008






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Welcome to the new TMNT Soundtrack Project!
A long time ago (going on a decade now), I ran this site at another address, and instead of going through and trying to redo the whole thing, I decided to leave the old site up as a museum of sorts and allow this site to continue on in its name. You can still visit the old site here:
The Old TMNT Soundtrack Project
This never was (and never shall be) a fancy site, so I hope you don't mind a severe lacking of bells and whistles. What you will find here, though, is a list of song lyrics and links to videos that bring to mind the TMNT. Unlike the old site, I will also add a list of the lyrics to the official TMNT Soundtracks and theme songs. If there are any songs you would like me to add, or if you would like any of your videos linked, feel free to drop me a line (though I am a busy mama, so it might take me a while between updates). Anyway, I hope you enjoy your visit here, and come back often. It is always nice to have visitors, as long as I don't have to clean the house or make dinner for them ;)

This is, of course, where you will find the updates for this site. Though they may be few and far between.

Songs and videos that remind us of the TMNT. E-mail me if you'd like anything added!

My fanfic (as well as some hosted stories) can be found here.

Pictures and whatnot by me. Most of it lousy. Heh...

All the stuff that won't fit anywhere else.

Well... links, of course :) E-mail me if you would like your link added.