From Siren!
Good Idea Tomorrow
(Deryl Dodd)
For Mikey, who always tries to take life in stride...
Featuring an awesome video by Plothooksinc!
He's A Rebel
(Donna Summer)
I ain't gonna say it...
Heart Of Steel
KC sent this one to me for Leo (a long time ago).
Heaven Only Knows
(Richard Marx)
Here I Go Again
How The Years Go By
(Amy Grant)
Human Behavior
Phish sent me this one a long time ago.
I Ain't Ever Satisfied
(John Mellancamp)
Have you noticed that there seem to be a large number of Raphael songs around here?
I Still Believe
(Tim Cappello)
If Only Through Heaven's Eyes
I used this song in my short fic by the same name. And it will perbably never be seen here. Heh.
In My Lonely Feeling
In The Passage
(Dan Fogelberg)
A companion song to my old story, "Passage".
(The Four Tops)
(William Ernest Henley)
Not a song, but an old poem that I thought was perfect for Leo.
(Pat Benatar)
(Goo Goo Dolls)
For Raphael.
It Ends Tonight
(All-American Rejects)
this is pretty much what it came down to between Raph and Leo in the new movie.
Heck, it covers the Raph/Leo relationship in a lot of the TMNT incarnations.
It's Probably Me
Everything I said about "It Ends Tonight" works for this one, too.
Learning To Live With Me
(Gary Allen)
Leave A Tender Moment Alone
(Billy Joel)
A song for Mike and Oyuki... I never give up, do I? :)
NEW Lightning Crashes
Companion song to Dawn's story by the same name.
Like An Angel Passing Through My Room
Jackie used this for her fic "Angel"
Lock And Key
A companion song to my story, "Something Wicked".
(Elton John)
This goes well with the Gobbledygook TMNT comic, "Crazy Man".
Man Of Leo
(Steve Winwood)
Once again, I couldn't resist :)
(Emmylou Harris)
I find it impossible to hear this song and not think about Mikey in SAINW.
My Funny Friend And Me
From Raph to Mike, I think :)
My Own Prison
This song went with Javvi's dark fic, "Memories Of An Angel" -- but the story is no longer available :(
My Way
(Limp Bizkit)
Turtle's Boy: "I would say this is a total Raph song! It fits, when he had a fight with Leo (again)!
Especially the 'just one more fight about your leadership' line!"