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Music:X by X Japan

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Hello Anime Fans, Welcome to AngelAnime Page! For People name Prince,please Send Me email again.I los your email.Atention If you want Send me e-mail you can send me in new adress.My New Address is animationpage@angelfire.comSorry all if i not update my page for long TiMe because i want make my Demon War Image's Gallery(Zenki ArEa) is Perfect Area.Sorry if my page have many mistakes.If you find any mistakes in my page,please send me e-mail and I will fix it. If u want to use my Images or something else please send me e-mail.All my members webring i moved in toWebring.html,Only Anime Ring in Index Page.I moved webring place for faster loading.Now I Have a pet, you can look in bellow.My Pet Name is Buu.He' is from Yuyu Hakusho.I got the pet in Cute Cute Petshop .Don't forget to Favorites my page( cuz I am always update)and sign my Guestbook before you go from my Page.

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Cute Cute Pet Shop: Adopt a pet today!
RanNet Organization

Copyright © AngelAnime 1997

Last Update 4 January 1998

AngelAnime sinced 8 September 1997

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