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Armitage III

Part 1: Electro Blood - The Place: Mars, during the terra-forming process. As soon as detective Ross Sylibus arrived at the spaceport, he got involved in a murder. The victim was Kelly McCannon, the popular singer. Ross discovered something shocking: the fact that the corpse was not a human, but a 'third', a much more advanced robot than the 'seconds' which are currently in commmon use. Ross must team up with Armitage of the Martian Police Dept. (MPD) to chase the killer, Rene D'anclaude, who is destroying the 'thirds' one by one.
Part 2: Flesh and Stone - Armitage stopped D'anclaude--nearly dead in his tracks. Of course, he's the only suspect involved in the multiple deaths of the 'thirds'. The new mystery unfolds when, another bullet riddled Third, Lavinia Whately, is found dead at an industrial power plant. However, Armitage is still missing. Yet...isn't D'anclaude supposed to be in the police hospital? Another victim brings new confusion to the MPD. Still echoed by D'anclaude's mocking laughter. And now, Armitage's mysterious disappearance places her under suspicion.
Part 3: Heart Core - The MPD decides to drop the investigation of the Third type murders. They are now focusing all operations into a full-time investigation of a terrorist case involving the seconds. Ross doesn't agree with the department's decision. He instead heads to the Shinora General Hospital to find out if the true D'anclaude is really there. Meanwhile, Armitage discovers a video still photograph of D'anclaude and Asakura together in earlier days. What secret do they hold together involving the development of the Thirds? The key to this whole mystery lies with D'anclaude in a hospital bed in Shinora.
Part 4: Bit of Love - Both D'anclaudes- the original, and the Third- are lost in the flames of Shinora. Now the only one remaining with the knowledge of the secret of the Thirds is Asakura. With the lead he provides them- 'Asakura is at the dome on top of Dannich Hill'- Armitage and Ross head out to follow it up. But the Asakura they find there has had his memories altered, and had no recollection of Armitage. Armitage finds herself in the pits of despair... Will the secret of her existance ever be revealed to her?
All 45 of my Armitage III pics.
