It's hard to imagine a time when Nick, Kevin, Howie, Brian and A.J. weren't huge successes being totally idolized by girls around the world. But there was a time when these cuties were the kind of regular guys you might have spotted at the mall or drooled over in class--and they had the same day-to-day hassles and heartbreaks as you!
With their way-romantic hit songs "As Long As you Love Me" and "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)" topping the charts, it would be easy to put Backstreet Boys babes Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson, Brian Littrell, Howie Dorough and A.J. McLean on a superstar pedestal. But you better believe that before they were household names, these five fab guys were going through the same growing-up stuff that everybody does. And even though they're way-cool now, it wasn't any easier for them than it was for anyone else.
Don't buy it? Well, Nick sure can set you straight. Even though he was as adorable in junior high as he is now, he was completely dissed by his classmates. "I had a pretty hard time in school," the beautiful 18-year-old tells BB. "I was doing a lot of acting and stuff like that and I always had to leave school. All the kids would wonder why I left. I wasn't quite respected by any of them because they were jealous." Ouch!
A.J. probably wouldn't have won any popularity contests either--with his schedule, he wouldn't have had time to enter one! "I was doing a lot of musical theater and modeling and I was in school as well," the 20-year-old babe recalls. "I was in regular school and I was in FADA, which is the Florida Academy of Dramatic Arts. I did everything." Even though A.J. was majorly busy, that didn't mean he didn't have the time to fall in love.
The only problem was, the girls he craved wouldn't give him the time of day! "It happened all the time," A.J. groans. "Back in high school, I can think back on how there were a lot of girls that I really liked that didn't want anything to do with me." Of course, you know those gals are kicking themselves right now--and don't feel too bad for A.J. On the bright side, going solo just meant the future superstar had a little more time to practice his singing. You see, before he became a Backstreet Boy, A.J. was more interested in moving to the music than singing to it. "I did the singing thing just to have something to fall back on in case the dancing thing didn't work out," A.J. admits to BB. Sounds like it was a good thing that when his chance to join the group came around, A.J. had spent more time working on his back-up plan than he had dating!
A.J. isn't the only one who discovered it was easier to strut his stuff on stage than go one-on-one with his classmates, Howie had his hard times in school, too. Even though he's an outgoing guy nowadays, the Orlando, Florida native wasn't always that way. In fact, Howie feels that part of the reason he was so shy as a kid was that he spent so much time performing, he didn't have time to shape up his social skills! "I had kind of an awkward childhood," the 24-year-old hottie confesses. "I've been in the business since I was 6 years old, so my free time, after swchool or during weekends or whatever, was always tied up doing auditions, plays or voice lessons. I didn't really get into dating until my last couple of years of high school."
all work and no play
Speaking of bummers, even when Howie wasn't performing or practicing, he still didn't get much of a chance to slack. Like most other kids, he had to spend his time off from school earning a paycheck. "I was working during the summertime at Universal Studios," he tells BB. Of course, Howie wasn't the only future Backstreet Boy who was working for a living. Brian had his fair share of jobs, too. "Ever since I was 15, I've been working," the just-turned-23-year-old shares.
Even though blue-eyed Brian was just a teenager, the jobs he landed weren't necessarily easy ones. "One of my first jobs was working at a church that I went to, organizing the sanctuary when people would have weddings," he says. Not only would Brian set up the churhc and make arrangements, but he would sing, too! Performing at a wedding is a big responsibility, so it's no wonder that Brian's so cool and collected on stage these days. Sadly, not all of the jobs Brian had let him show off his natural talents. Just before he joined the Backstreet Boys, Brian groans, he was working "part-time at Long John Silvers."
If feeding folks fish sounds like hard work, though, listen to what Kevin almost found himself doing after high school. "When I graduated from high school in Kentucky, I enlisted in the Air Force," the 26-year-old remembers. Kevin, who had also worked at a fast-food restaurant and even picked tobacco to make money, had dreams of becoming a pilot someday. But as luck would have it, Kevin got involved with a local band in Kentucky just before he was supposed to report for duty. The green-eyed babe was stuck with at ough decision--should he give the band a chance or follow his flyboy dreams? "I asked the recruiter if I could get alittle more time to see how the band was going to work out, and he said, 'No, you have to go now or you don't go at all,'" Kevin recalls. Of course, you can guess what Keving said! "I was like, 'Fine. Then I'm nog going to go, because I want to see how this works out,'" he shares. "This was my number one love, music."
Even though the band didn't work out, it was Kevin's first step toward fame. And Kevin did see some of his Air Force dreams come true--he travels all around the world and he's even been able to take some flying lessons!
So, if you were wondering how all five of these swell guys could be so sincere and sweet, just remember that they used to be just plain old regular Joes--they certainly do!
So who wants to know more about the BSB? Look here...
What's your idea of a good night in?
AJ: Sitting in front of a log fire with hot chocolate and marshmallows and some mellow music playing. It'd be great if the moon was shining in, the lights were low and it was cold outside.
Brian: I'd have one of those huge movie projectors in a big snuggly room with a huge soft couch and bean bags all over the floor. I'd make dinner downstairs with the lady of my choice, then we'd go upstairs and cuddle up and watch a movie....
Nick: I'd be at my parents' home. I'd get in loads of food and play computers all night with my brother or sister
What film would you cuddly up to?
AJ: Ghost. You just can't help but bawl, especially with the music - oww, man!
Brian: It'd have to be something real romantic. Maybe While You Were Sleeping or Sleepless in Seattle. I'm very soft, you know!
Nick: I Love Trouble, with Julia Roberts. I'm not big into romantic films, but I really enjoyed that one
What's your favourite outfit?
AJ: Silk pyjamas. I've only got one pair and they were in my suitcase which just got lost. It's so annoying - half my clothes were in it!
What's the sweetest thing a girl's done for you?
Kevin: Probably the coolest thing was when I was really sick and this girl I was dating rang her mum to get the recipe for chicken noodle soup. and she made it for me from scratch - isn't that sweet?
Brian: A fan did something real cute for me. She bought a big white tie and drew all the music notes and lyrics to I'll Never Break Your Heart all the way up it in a spiral. It's awesome!
Howie: On my 18th, this girl I was seeing asked her parents if she could have the house to herself and she invited all my friends around for a surprise party. That was romantic.
What have you got to offer as a boyfriend?
Kevin: I'm an honest person, I don't play games, I say what's on my mind and treat people with respect.
Brian: Nothing but a little love, caring, understanding and emotion.
Nick: Just me, myself. I'm a very ordinary, down to earth kinda guy and I hope that's all my girl would need.
How often do you need a hug?
AJ: As often as I can get one! For me it's even better than a kiss.
Kevin: I could use a hug every day, but I'm not likely to get it! It's something I really miss. We get a lot of attention, but not a lot of affection physically.
Nick: Every day. I get a lot of hugs from fans and the guys, but I don't get a proper hug every day - I wish I did!
Howie: I love hugs and kisses. I think it's because I grew up in a big family. Even now I grab my mum and give her kisses all over her cheeks and she's like "Oh Howard, pleeeease!" When I'm with a girl, I lover her to give me hugs - it really touches my heart.
Who would you cry in front of?
Kevin: I cry in movie theatres all the time. I get that from my grandfather - we're a real sentimental family. Brian's like that as well. When we got our first gold recordm we bawled like babies!
Nick: I'm not embarrassed about crying, but I'd try not to bawl in front of just anybody. I'd feel most relaxed crying in front of my mum or the guys.
Howie: For me crying is something I'm pretty open about. It's just a way of expressing your feelings. Recently my gran passed away and my whole family was crying together.
Is it possible to be just good friends with a girl?
AJ: Ah-hah...I've got a lot of close girl friends - in fact I've got more girl friends than boy friends. I get along cool with guys, but they're more into that sport/male thing. I'm too, but I'm also into shopping, buying phat clothes and stuff.
Nick: Yeah. I meet a lot of girls when we're travelling and I make friends with some. Then when we go back to that country I call them up for a chat!
Kevin: I think it's hard because we're travelling so much - it's hard to tell if some people are real friends or not.