An Interview with Nick.
So tell us about your new boat then...
"I keep the boat berthed on the canal next to my house that leads to the Florida coast. I fill the engine with petrol and just head out to sea. The Florida Keys are the greatest stretch of ocean in the world with lots of small islands you can stop off at. Many a time I’ve played football on the beach with my brothers and sisters. A lot of the time I go out on the boat alone. Being on my own, with just the silence of the sea, is such an escape from the constant screaming of fans on a Backstreet Boys tour. It’s something I need to do - just to get away from it all. To me, the Florida Keys is paradise on Earth.
Do you normally cry a lot?
Do you ever take girls on board your boat?
Of course I do. We swim in the sea and play around, but I never try to kiss them. I know a lot of girls who are just friends. The way I prefer it. I don’t really want to fall in love yet. I prefer to wait a little bit. To be honest, I’ve never really fallen in love. I’ve never felt this strong sensation. Of course, in the past there have been girls who were important to me. I went out with this girl called Bryn for about a year. She used to be in the same musical as me. She was in love with another guy at the time. I asked her out all the same and she accepted. But I’m still very young and I have lots of time for love. The day I find the girl of my dreams I would spoil her rotten.
Are you the faithful one in relationships?
Oh, yes. Faithfulness is very important to me. I couldn’t go out with a girl that already has a boyfriend. And I would be incapable of cheating on my girlfriend. I couldn’t look at her straight in the eye. If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn’t even need to look at other girls.
What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done?
I’ve never done anything romantic. The last girl I went out with I took her to Burger King. If I had to do something romantic I would take her to the beach when the sun is going down. The sky would be full of stars, and apart from the sound of the sea, it would be a very quiet and intimate moment.
Do you carry photos of your family when you’re away on tour?
I have pictures of my animals. I have pictures of some people who are important to me, like friends and family. And I have pictures of my house. I can’t go around with a lot of personal possessions. There’s not much space left in my suitcase when all my clothes have been packed away. The only thing I try not to forget is my passport.
Do you scribble things down in a diary?
"No, I don’t spend that much time writing. But I draw a lot. That’s the way I express myself. I draw little cartoons about the group. We appear as superheroes - like the Fantastic Four - doing lots of adventures on tour,or missions, as I like to call them.
Has anything gone seriously wrong on tour?
Fans often give us presents. It’s great to have people thinking about you. People we meet are always cool with us. We’re very lucky. But once, though, some fans managed to sneak into A.J.’s hotel room. They stole his sunglasses, some jewellery, his favourite underwear. A.J. saw them running along the hote corridor with his stuff. He was really shocked and sad. Thank God these type of experiences are very rare.
Is it true that you often film your fans with a camcorder?
Yes. We want to show the enthusiasm of out fans to our parents. The hysteria around us is nothing new to my mum and dad, though. They’ve already been on tour with us. Howie’s parents haven’t, though. They’ve never been out of the States so every time they see the footage they’re impressed. Before showing the film to our parents, we cut out the bits where girls throw condoms and underwear at us on stage.
How do you relax after a gig?
When I come off stage I go straight back to the hotel. I love to take a long shower and then go to sleep. I never seem to take too much time to drop off after a show. Generally, I’m always very tired and can sleep anywhere.
Who do you trust most in the world?
I trust my mum 100%. She knows me very well and is capable of guessing my thoughts, I love when she’s there. In the group, I think it’s A.J. who I trust the most.
What’s the most important thing in your life?
Backstreet Boys is the most important thing in my life. My life revolves around the group. We are very close - simply because we seem to spend so much time together. And my boat, of course. It’s the best thing I ever bought. I can’t wait to go out on it when I get home!"
An Interview with Brian.
So Brian do you have a girlfriend?
No, the last time I was with someone was two years ago and that broke up cos of the group. I’m on my own right now.
Do you want a girlfriend?
Yeah, but I’m always looking for love in all the wrong places. I never seem to meet the right kind of girl at the right time. I want to go out with a girl who will treat me normally. I don’t want to go out with someone who likes me just because I make records. I like successful girls who don’t live their life purely around me. I find independence really sexy.
Do you advise Nick on girls?
Not on girls, no. I’m five years older than him so I guess he’s like the little brother I never had. I taught him how to play basketball. I’ve also got him hooked on Nintendo, he can’t stop playing it now. But we don’t really talk about girls.
What’s the hardest thing about being a pop star?
It’s being away from home and not having a girlfriend. We don’t get time to meet girls, chat with them and then go out on a date. It takes me a while to get to know a girl, so it’s really hard. Our schedule is so busy that i can’t find time to date or romance a girl.
Have you ever had a one-night stand?
No, and do you know why? I’m a real old-fashioned guy. I have to know someone real well before I’d even kiss them, let alone do anything more. I believe marriage is important, but I just had my 22nd birthday so I’m in no rush to settle down.
When you’re on the road, what makes you homesick?
The thing I miss most is sleeping in my own bed. When I get home I love sinking into my own sheets. I miss my pillow and duvet. Hotel beds can be really, really uncomfortable. They’re either too hard or way too soft.
Talk us through a perfect Friday night.
If I’m at home, I’ll meet my three best friends and we’ll go to the cinema. We always meet a crowd of people we know and there’s usually some good-looking girls around. We have loads of popcorn cos I love it - I think I’m addicted. Then we’ll head off for a meal. I love steaks, fries and salad. Then we’ll all go back to my house and watch videos and chill out. We get to bed about 2am.
Have you got any interesting scars?
Yeah, I have two scars where I had my appendix taken out, but only people who know me real well get to see them cos they’re at the bottom of my tummy! I’ve also got a scar on my head where I head-butted a table when I was 12.
Have you got any tattoos?
No, but I really want one. I want one on my back, right between my shoulder blades. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. I don’t want a flower of something boring, I want to go for a daring one. I’d want something original.
Who would you like to look like?
Brad Pitt. He’s really good-looking and all the girls go for him - and I’d also be able to get close to Gwyneth Paltrow! I’d like to look like Tom Cruise too. Some people have said I look like him. Unfortunately I don’t anymore, because I’ve just dyed my hair red. I had a sudden urge to go a deep dark-red colour. I like it a lot.
Have you got a pair of lucky pants?
No, I don’t think so. I don’t have anything like that because you always lose them and then you start worrying that you’re going to perform really badly.
When we met the Outhere Brothers they said you had an outrageous time with them. What happened?
Haha. You have to ask Kevin about that. He hung out with them all the time and they kept going out clubbing. I’ve heard some rumours but I’m not going to reveal anything. You’ll have to get the full story from Kevin - if he’ll admit to it!
Which of the following would you rather snog:
Emma Spice or Louise?
Louise. Why? I have my secret reasons. Haha. No, she really is lovely. We’ve hung out with her a lot, especially when we were in England. She’s the sweetest girl in the world. I wouldn’t choose Emma cos I think the Spice Girls can be a bit scary. I’d be nervous about being in the same room as one of them.
Friends’ Jennifer Aniston or Courteney Cox?
I’d go for Jennifer cos she’s gorgeous. Both of them are pretty but Jennifer’s on another level. I’d love to star with both of them in a movie or something. I’d love to be in Friends.
Pamela Anderson or Sandra Bullock
Pamela Anderson, I love her. I would definitely like to get close to Pam. I think she’s gorgeous, absolutely beautiful. I like Sandra too but I prefer Pam.
Demi Moore or Gwyneth Paltrow?
Demi Moore cos I quite like brunettes. Actually, I like blondes and brunettes but Pamela Anderson is still probably my all-time favourite. What would I do if I met her? Nothing cos I’m too shy to speak to girls most of the time.
Beach Boys !
You've been on tour for ages in America ...
Nick - Yeah I know . It seems weird . Ever since we started in the Backstreet Boys we've spent most of our time in Europe . Now we're at home on tour It feels weird coz we know it so well !
Brian - I'm homesick for Europe ! The other night I really wanted to go over to England or Germany & see the friends we've made over the years .
When will you be back ?
AJ - Hopefully in early 1999 - but our schedules are still being worked out . I want to go back real soon . Maybe I'll come to London on holiday !
Where do you love to go on holiday ?
Howie - Jamaica is really cool . Everyone has this really laid-back attittude . I love it but it drives AJ mad . He likes to be out there doing his thing .
Kevin - Everyone wears bikinis or shorts here . It's like "Take your clothes off everyone" . We like that , especially when we see the girls ...
Howie - I love the Florida Keys . Espeically Key Largo , it's beautiful .
AJ - I really like California - Malibu Beach .
Kevin - My back garden !
What do you always take to the beach with you ?
Nick - Suntan oil , a towel & some shorts . That's it ! I don't read at all . I just swim & play volleyball .
Brian - A hat . My head burns otherwise !
AJ - A good book or magazine that we're in ! Ha !
Howie - My phone , so I can catch up with my friends and family .
Kevin - Someone to rub lotion on my back !
You appeared on stage with Brandy , what was she like ?
Nick - Real sweet . She's a huge TV star & singing star but she doesn't act like she's Miss It !
Brian - She told us she loves our songs , which is really nice . When we danced with her on stage , she really go into it .
AJ - I love that song The Boy Is Mine . It's my song of the summer ! have you got any exclusive news for BsB fans ?
Nick - Yeah , Kevin's a superstar mdel !
Howie - Nick's been beaten on NBA Jams by a 12-year-old fan !
AJ - We might have something new to release very , very soon . But it's a big secret .
Brian - And Aaron's driving us all completely nuts on tour !
What does he do ?
Brian - He jumps around , sings , screams , plays games , hits us with
things , but he's still a great little guy - honest !
Nick - Before we go on stage every night we go through this ritual of singing a song called Hard Work with our roadies & minders - it gets us in the right frame of mind & Aaron is desperate to join in ! But he can't cos he's too little .
Since you've all been away , have you met any gorgeous girls ?
AJ - I wish ! We've seen gorgeous girls but have we had time to talk to them ? Nope ! Have we had time to do anything ? Nope !
Nick - There are gorgeous girls everywhere - I'd love to meet them but that's as far as it goes .
Kevin - We always moan because we have no time to do anything except work but we wouldn't have it any other way . I mean , dancing on a Jamaician beach , it's hardly hard work . It's not like wroking down in a mine .
You're now the biggest boy band in the world , how does it feel ?
Nick - Amazing . but we still don't see ourselves like that . We're still the same guys with the same likes & dislikes . We love basketball & hate business meetings .
Howie - I quite like business meetings . I like to know what we're up to & how much money we're spending !
Kevin - The only thing that's changed now is that we can't go out as much in America . Before we could go anywhere & no-one would know us - it's not the same now . We have loyal fans here too .
AJ - But it's good because when we were really famous in Europe , all my friends wouls say " But you're not on the radio here ... " Now I can say , " See , I am famous . "
Nick - It's like a dream come true !