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School Procedures

Primary School
Secondary School

School procedures.

School procedures are necessary to enable the school to function effectively for the benefit of all involved. All members of the College community are expected to show:

respect and care for oneself as an individual within the community
concern for the welfare of others, their rights, feelings and opinions
care for and sensible use of property and time.

Attendance at school

This is compulsory for all students enrolled at the College

If any student is absent from class a written explanation from his/her parents is required on the day he/she returns. This explanation may be written in the diary and shown to the class/homeroom teacher.

Notes from parents are also required if students are to be absent from any official school activity including normal classes, for example from sport or physical education

Students must be at all classes at the scheduled starting time

If a student needs to use the telephone during school hours written permission from the teacher must be put in the diary


Students wishing to leave the College grounds during College hours

Students must have written permission to leave the College grounds during school hours.


Students wishing to leave the school for appointments etc.

A note must be shown to the class teacher and year level coordinator and signed by them. The student should then sign the Leave Book in the General Office upon departure and sign in again if they return to the College


If a student is ill they must go to the General Office with a note from their teacher. A phone call will be made to parents by the Office staff. Students using the sick bay must remain there they are not to leave to go to the canteen or outside at recess or lunch. No student is permitted to go home if they are ill without permission from the office staff.


This is expected not only at the beginning of each day but for all lessons.

At change of period.

Students are expected to move quickly to their next lesson. The bell signals the end of one lesson and the next begins as soon as possible. Students are to collect books at recess and lunch for the next two periods. If students are in the same class a break between periods is signalled by all students standing at the end of one period and remaining standing until asked to be seated by the next teacher. Students should NOT go to lockers during or between periods.

Use of classrooms

During recess and lunch no student is to remain or enter a classroom without supervision.

On wet days a wet day roster will be used for supervision duty.

Specialist rooms such as Science labs, art rooms, computer room and assembly area are not to be used unless a teacher is present. No eating or drinking is allowed in these specialist areas


These must not be used as play areas or sitting areas. On no account must students run in the corridors.

Areas out of bounds.

Unless accompanied by a teacher students are not to walk in front of the school or to go through the car parks Students are not permitted to enter or leave the school by the front door.

VCE students may enter the building through the door by the uniform shop.


Students should not bring large sums of money or valuables to the College. Transistors, cassette players, walkmans electronic equipment, magazines and card collections are not to be brought to the school.

Equipment brought for class use such as calculators or cameras must have a record of the serial number kept by students.


Lockers are provided for each student. All students should have a key or padlock to their locker which is with them daily. Lockers are not to be used to display posters or material which is against the ethos of the school and all students should be aware that they can be asked to open their lockers at any time.

Student Diary.

Student diaries are designed as an aid to study, plan and for communication between teacher and student, teacher and teacher and teacher and parents.

Points to note

The student diary must be signed by parents each week and handed to the class teacher for inspection

Diaries should be used extensively for positive and negative comments

Diaries should be carried at all times.

Care of property.

Students must take care to ensure that other student’s property and College property are not damaged. Any deliberate damage to property must be replaced by the student concerned and paid for. Damage to property must be reported immediately to the General Office or class teacher


The cleanliness and tidiness of the College is the responsibility of the College Community

Clean up duty (common room and classrooms)

At the end of each lesson and the end of each day each classroom must be left clean and tidy ready for the commencement of the next lesson. Every student must be part of this duty.

Clean up duty (yard)

Each class has a designated week for clean up duty. Students assigned on yard duty are to go immediately to their area when the bell goes for the end of recess and the Yard must be cleaned before period 4.

Transport to and from school and on excursions.

Behaviour in any public place should ensure safety and bring credit to the individual, the group and the College as a whole.

Rules for bus travellers:

Students must behave in an orderly manner entering or leaving the bus
No student is permitted to walk, stand in the aisle or move from seat to seat whilst the bus is moving
Remain seated and facing the front of the bus so that the risk of injury if a driver has to brake suddenly is decreased.
The use of bad language and offensive gestures is not permitted on the bus
Vandalism and graffiti will not be permitted
The only food or drink permitted is a sandwich or water.
Fighting or aggressive behaviour is not allowed
No part of a person’s body shall protrude from a bus

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in a detention or suspension from the bus


Dress should always reflect care in personal presentation and enhance the reputation of the whole school.

Full school uniform is to be worn at all times (including sports uniform) all items are available from the uniform shop.

Points to note

When representing the College in leaving the premises during school hours the College Blazer is to be worn as the top garment over the appropriate winter or summer uniform. Blazers must be brought to school every day and worn for morning assembly. Inside College grounds the college jumper may be worn as the top garment

Neatness and tidiness should always be encouraged.

In very cold weather a navy scarf or gloves may be worn outside. Skivvies may not be worn under shirts


Students may wear a watch and one pair of plain stud earrings. All other jewellery is not acceptable and will be confiscated

Hair styles.

Hairstyles are to be kept simple. Boys hair is to be of even length and above the collar. Undercuts and extremes of design are not to be worn. Girls hair if long is to be tied back with a navy blue scrunchie or band as the acceptable colours. Extremes of fashion or colour is not permitted.

Make up.

Students are not to wear make up of any kind including nail polish. Boys are to be clean shaven.

Use of Photocopier.

Students may not use the photocopier. They are permitted to leave copying with Tony, in the Office who will do it for them whenever he has time. Students must be organised ahead of time as photocopying will not be done for them after the first bell at 2 -50 pm.