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Cyberpower X

Non-Frames Mode

      Alright, I have my NEW NON-FRAMES mode completed, as you can see! However even though this main page for this version is complete, I will still be organizing how the other pages will look in non-frames mode in comparison to the frames mode. Which version do I like better, Frames or Non-Frames? Well, Frames mode is good, and has many components. But as far as graphics goes, (as well as some points of useability) I think this mode is starting to kick @$$. Wait, did I say starting, I meant to say: It's Already Kicking @$$! Now. I still like the Frames mode, mostly 'cause it's easier to update, but I will try to keep up with this page as well. Since I think the media section is currently the most important component of my page, I will get that section on here first. Now, the grey bar with the links above, do not work, they are all broken links (unless I am working on one of those pages, then you will be able to see my progress on it). All the links on the left, same thing as above. Oh, the E~Mail buttons work though, like that would be useful at all since no one E~Mails me ever. But they are there just in case someone wants to critisize me, or comment on my page, or give me suggestions, or tell me how much I suck (or how much I seem like a god to them heh, heh) er, whatever. Don't matter. Anyway, I'm bored, I'll get back to working on this some other time. I'll start giving the Non-Frames section dates soon as well, but for now, if I do something different, I'll just go back into this one and change it, so you gotta go looking your @$$ off to find out about current stuff. LMAO! Oh, sorry, is that why no one likes my page (or why they don't admit they do)? 'Cause I'm an annoying little (beep)? Didn't want to say $h!t, 'cause someone might get offended. Oops, looks like I said $h!t, oh there I go again, damn I messed up, huh. Whatever, sorry to bore you... ya, okay, anyway, Cya peeps! Goodbye.

P.S. Goodbye. What was the point of that you ask? I felt like it. lol. CYA! (I mean it this time, really.

See? I told you I meant it.