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Sonic Characters

Sonic- Tails- Knuckles- Sally- Rotor- Bunnie- Mecha Sonic- Metal Sonic- Scorch- Robo Sonic- Robotnik- Snively- Black Cat***- White Cat***- Mach- Uncle Chuck- Mighty- Londo- Jakkar- Amy Rose- Geoffrey- Dulcy- King Acorn- Antoine- Hershey- Drago- Doctor Quack- Mrs. Quack- Charmy Bee- Mecha Knuckles- Rosie- Lupe- Car,Heem- Bookshire- Packbell- Sandra- Todd- Eric- Joseph- Alicia- Psycho- Sebrina- Zonic- SiverSonic- Anchwon- Gex- Harpy- Zap- Vinny- Vector- Espio- Archimidas- Flyingfrog- Mammothmogul- Sgt. Simian- Lightinglynx- Predatorhawk- Dax- Wildfire- Bear- Nightcrawler- AmadeusZak- Julie,Su- Lara,Le- CrocBot- Ixus Naugus- General Di' Coolette Rob 'o' the Hedgehog- Kayla, La- Deo, volente- Locke- Yanar- Sabre- Enerjak- Remington- Athair- Nack- Merlin Prowler- Amadeus- Edmund- Christophles- Kragok- Jordan, Dan- General Stryker- Red Flame- Blue Flame- Jess May- Tailz- Monkey Kahn- Knuckly- Rage- J.AXER- Chaos- Rosie- Bomb- Bat,Bot- Big Flicky- Posie- Crabmeat- Caterkiller- Verti,cal- Horizon,tal- Harry- Rotobug- Julayla- Kodos- Unus Arachnis- Mello- Barby Koala- Iron King- Jules- Yanar- Mari,An- Hello again! I added about 15 more names. Remember! If you know of character in Sonic the Hedgehog or one of your Furry friends not in here, E-Mail me them and put in the subject box "Sonic Characters"... NOT "sonic characters" ... Well, see all of you again! And thanks to those people who sent me Sonic characters! SonicSerely, Black七at
