The Christmas Party
Picture Page I

By Danl & Brian

Eh "tai chek lou" (muscular guy)wanna start an anouncement la....Please can he have your attention!

(You all quiet ah!!! People wanna read announcement u know??)
Partners in crime?hhmmmm.....more of like "Ku Wak Chai".....One Chan Hou Nam & one Tai Fei Petaling Street wan(Malaysian version)

(Oh wow.....the PARTNERS IN CRIME huh?? Thou shalt not....aiyah, go read Bible lar, it tells you the list.)
>hmmmm.....I actually sketch this picture out but my mum threw it away...

(The future of our generation......ahh, very pretty they shalt be.)
> demanding ah!! Ppl let u come to the party oso happy liao leh! Dapat makan sudah liao lor.

(Hey, how come they got present ah?? We TITANIC so 'geng' also don't have.)
>U know wat.....ppl actually get fined for jeering like that(on the futebol pitch la of coz)

(Doesn't his pose reminds you of someone?? Looks very familiar to me...)
>Well....kesian la this fella....kena dress up like that....hehehe.

(That's the cost for being a kid -- people will dress you up in weird ways.)
>Wah lau many "tai chek lou" wan in our church!!....well, Mei Ling would luv it....hehehe

(Ooohh, Kenny muscular man!!! Mister Universe of 1999 nuh!!!)
>Wei, she looks more like singing la....immitating Tina Turner.....hehehe.....remember no pop musics!!

(This is Michelle, riding a Virtual Horse(tm) as a Virtual Cowboy(tm) in a Virtual Rodeo(tm) -- the (tm)s are fake, ok??)
>Ogy ah.......yerr...that one actress ah! Mei Ling really look that bad meh? hard feelings Mei Ling....anyway Welling won't be looking at this.

(Irene, really reminds me of Ogy Ahmad Daud.....ahaha....EXTREME(ESSO) ACTION)
>Neo Wei Sian!!!shucks....wat's with him?

(How old do you think he is??)

Words in the brackets are comments that were type in by the infamous Brian Chong.
This page is dedicated to those in the pictures above.

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