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Links to other Hash Websites

Belfast Hash
The Belfast Hash exists!!! Contact Keen Knickers for details.
Flying Booger's Half Mind Catalogue
Flying Booger gives full coverage of World Hash events as well as contacts to all USA hashes and many international groups.
Prof's UK Hash Site
Prof gives links to all UK hash sites and details of UK and European events.
Register Your Hash Name
Neptunus is maintaining a list of hash names. Put your on the list or add somebodt else's. ON ON
Hash Heritage Website
Trace your hash's founding hash
Global Trash
Stray Dog's Global Trash.
Hash Space
The hash's answer to FaceBook
Go To The Hash Website
A good directory of what's happening
The late Zippy's hash resource
A good directory of what's happening
Aussie Hash Home Page
Harrier International
New Zealand Home Page
Hong Kong Home Page

Last edited 15 June 2016

Home Page

Email: POLLY