You enter a large room and stare at the crystal walls that shimmer with the rainbow. You notice that Kayla has dissapeared. You hear a noise behind you and turn around to come face to face with two very large and majestic dragons. "Hello stranger, I am Reflection. Welcome to Crystal Castle." the Gold one says. As you stand frozen in fear you realize that the rainbow on the walls is the reflection of the dragon's wings. "Calm down stranger. We'll not harm you." the striped one says calmly. "I am FireCat" he says. You shake off your fear and ask them about the adoptions Kayla had told you about. They stare at you for a second, then Reflection speaks. "The Adoptions are for our Children..." You look at her Puzzled. "Reflection and I, plus other dragons have laid too many eggs for them to all stay at the castle...." FireCat says. "There are many types of dragons that live here and we just don't have enough room for them all.." Reflection says with a sad tone. FireCat studies you for a moment. "Perhaps you would like to adopt one of our children?" He smiles Warmly. You stare at them for a minute then say.. "Where do I sign up?" "Exellent!" Reflection exclaims. "Here are the rules. We must not just let our children go off with anyone can we?" FireCat hands you a scroll. "I guess not..." you take the scroll and sit at a tabe near the door. You look up to ask them something but they have dissapeared just as fast as Kayla.
NOTE: Refection & FireCat are mine, if you want a dragon fill out the form! Do not steal them I will know if you did all dragons have their own unique symbol and colorings!!
The Rules Of Adoption
#1. There is a Secret word hidden in the rules, in each rule there is a letter/number likes this "a". That is not the first letter. Read the rules and write down the letters then enter them into the secret word space on the form. Without it, your form will be deleted.
#2.Dragons"s" like their space, so please no more then 3 other medium sized pets on the page. No More then 3 large pets on a page for a Faerie Dragon.
#3.You must "u"beable to recieve attachments.
#4.Your site or any links from it CANNOT be more than a PG-13 rating. (Ex. no porn or racism"g", ect.)
#5. If you do not have your creature up within 7 days, they will be put back up for"a" adoption, unless you e-mail me telling me why you can't have your creature up!
#6.You MUST "r"fill out the entire adoption form form! And PLEASE, only hit the send button once!
#7.These creatures Choose their names at birth, if you change "b"them, your creature will go up for readoption. You can have a nick name for your creature just don't change the origanal name.
#8. Each Dragon has his/her own unique markings and colors, PLEASE do"e" not change them in any way! It takes a VERY long time to make them.
#9. You must link your"r" creatures adoption certificate Back to https://www.angelfire.com/ak/FairyDragon/adopt.html
#10. I have the right to change or add to these rules at any time!"r"
#11.The page for your creature must be working BEFORE"y" you fill out the form or your form will be deleted
#12.Your only aloud to adopt"1" ONE dragon per clutch and only ONE per form!!!I know they're strict, But They're necessary.
I can fallow the rules,take me see the Dragons!
I cannot fallow 1 or more of the rules please take me back to Carra's homepageI would like To See the Dragons that have been adopted
Email: angeldragon1@aol.com