~The Impressed~

You enter a small room that has a bunch of tables and scolls. As you wonder about the Scrolls a fimilar voice Says "These are lists of people who impressed here at Crystal Castle. You Turn around to find Kayla leaning on the doorway. *If I imprees will I be added to the scrolls?* You ask Kayla. "Yes all who impress get writen on these scrolls." You start to ask another Question but Kayla has mysteriouly vanished again.
Owner: Dragon's Name: Color: Mate: Offspring:
Lisa Fern Green N/A N/A
Jeff Minkith Cyan N/A N/A
Kalarath Sunlight Orange N/A N/A
Lady Jewl RoyalAmathyst Purple N/A N/A
Labrynth Abith Bronze N/A N/A
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Email: drgnflme1@aol.com