You step into another large room covered in different charts and tables. You jump when a hand grabs your shoulder. you turn around only to find Kayla. "Hello again, Nice to see you could fallow the Rules." You stair in amazment at her again. Its not everyday you see a fuzzian. "This room will tell you all you need to know about the Dragons of Crystal Castle." She turns and walks twards a door in the back of the room, Then stops and looks at you. "I will be in the next room with a form waiting for you." She smiles then goes into the next room. You walk further into the room to examine the charts.

Eggs left: 4/10(you may only reserve an egg at the moment)
Eggs left: 6/10
PLAIN - These Dragons can come in ANY color, But they only have 1 color in different shades on their bodies. These dragons are hard workers and very Bright. They are the most common type.PLAIN - These little guys are just like the Regular Dragons, only they have beautiful translucent wings! They are the most common type.
ELEMENT - These Dragons all have colorings to match their Element. These dragons are the second most common. Each of these Dragons needs a home that will go along with their element. For example, Do NOT put a Water type dragon in a desert!FLOWER - Flowers have their bodies covered in a floral design. Their wings are a translucent shade of green. They are also Quite common. Prefer to make their home in a Garden or forest.
PLAIN 2 - These Dragons are just like the Plain ones, only they have different colored wings and bodies. These are the 3rd most common.PLAIN 2 - Also just like the Regular dragons, only with translucent wings.
SWIRL - These Dragons have contrsting swirls all over their bodies. These Dragons are the 4th most common. These Dragons are also called the "EGGS" because of the large clutches they lay.UNKNOWN - The unknowns are a type of Faerie dragon that we can't put into a catagory, they have all sorts of intresting paterns on their bodies. Wings are eradesint.
RAINBOW - These Dragons are extreamly intelligent and like to live in places that have a lot of flowers. There is ony one or 2 in each clutch. Black/White Rainbows are rare, only 1 every 7 clutches!RAINBOW - Also the same as their Regular Cousins. But in this case the Black and Whites are Very common. The Blues and Purples however are quite Rare.
SPECIAL - Speacials are fairly common normally 1 to 4 in each clutch. An Example of a Special, would Be FireCat. ALL Specials are born in shades of white to black. As they Get older their Colors develope.SPECIAL - Ditto! The only thing different about them is the fact that their wings are either translucent or eradecent.
STAR - Stars are Very, Very rare. They has star patterns all over their bodies or wings. there is only 1 in every 10 clutches. Consider yourself VERY lucky is you bond a Star!STAR - Star Faeries are Very, VERY Rare! MAYBE 1 out of every 30 clutches! But Twins are also very common with this kind.
~*~Click here For a Sample~*~~*~Click here For a Sample~*~

Eggs left: 0/10
PLAIN - These Faeries are quite pretty for being shades of only 1 color. Their bodies are lightly colored with white to almost white tummies. There wings are like butterfly wings and are 1 solid color with lighter "spots" of same color or shades of white to light gray. They are the most common type.PLAIN - These little guys are just like the Regular Dragons, only they have beautiful translucent wings! They are the most common type.
ELEMENT - These faeries have light to medium-dark bodies with wings that match with the elements. Example, an orange one will have fire looking wings. Each of these Dragons needs a home that will go along with their element. For example, Do NOT put a Water type dragon in a desert!FLOWER - Flowers have their bodies covered in a floral design. Their wings are a translucent shade of green. They are also Quite common. Prefer to make their home in a Garden or forest.
PLAIN 2 - These little guys are multi-colored. They consist of 2 to 4 colors each. Nothing too special here. ^_^PLAIN 2 - Also just like the Regular dragons, only with translucent wings.
Gem - Gems are called that for their Gem like colors. Colors Known so far are: Diamond, Sapphire, Garnet, Ruby, Obsindian, Emerald, and Topaz. These guys seem to be the head of the type 2 faeries. Felmales of this type lay the largest clutchesUNKNOWN - The unknowns are a type of Faerie dragon that we can't put into a catagory, they have all sorts of intresting paterns on their bodies. Wings are eradesint.
RAINBOW - Rainbows are very pretty, and quite rare with there only being 1 in every 5 clutches. They are rulers of the rainbow and leave a patch of color where ever they go.RAINBOW - Also the same as their Regular Cousins. But in this case the Black and Whits are Very common. The Blues and Purples however are quite Rare.
SPECIAL - Speacials are fairly common normally 1 to 3 in each clutch. ALL Specials are born in shades of white to black with gray wings. As they Get older their Colors develope.SPECIAL - Ditto! The only thing different about them is the face that their wings are either translucent or eradecent.
STAR - Stars are Very, Very rare. They has star patterns all over their bodies or wings. there is only 1 in every 10 clutches. Consider yourself VERY lucky is you bond a Star!STAR - Star Faeries are Very, VERY Rare! MAYBE 1 out of every 30 clutches! But Twins are also very common with this kind.
~*~Click here For a Sample~*~No Dragacorns Yet!
Nothing is known about these as of yet..

I have chosen the creature I want, Please take me to the form
